Assault at Conisborough – Brother in Law

August 1896

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 28, 1896

Assault at Conisborough

James Fleming, coal filler, New Conisborough, was charged with assaulting Mary Fleming, his sister-in-law, and 15 August.

Complainant said about 12 o’clock on the night in question she was having some words with her husband in the yard, when her husband’s brother came up and commenced to interfere. She told him to mind his own business and go home to his lodgings. He thereupon struck her in the face with his fist, knocking her to the ground. Her husband, Patrick Fleming, said, “it serves the b— right, give her another smack.” He then took the prisoner home.

Prisoner: did I say anything to you before you brought the poker and tongs out? – Complainant: Yes, you did.

Prisoner: Did I interfere between you and your husband in any way? – Complainant: Yes, you did and it’s not the first time you have come interfering.

Prisoner: did you not fetch the poker out and say you would cut my b— head off. – Complainant: No, I did not.

Samuel Clarn said he was having his supper on the night of the assault and he heard a bother. He went to see what it was and he saw James Fleming strike complainant in the face and knock her down.

Prisoner: Did you see a woman fetch a poker out of the house and hit me with it. – Witness: no, I did not. I only saw you strike the woman in the face.

Charlotte Ross said she saw Mrs Fleming on the floor. She picked her up and found a black mark on her face.

Prisoner, for his defence, said he was in Mrs Radcliffe’s house when he heard his brother and the complainant allowing then using such language that he would not express. He came out and told them to use a little better language. Complainant then fetched a poker out of the house, and said she “would cut his b— head off,” and rushed at him with the poker. He put his hands out and shoved her back in self defence.

Martha Ratcliffe said she was stood at her door about 12 o’clock on 15 August. When Patrick Fleming and his wife went past. They both were using filthy language, one of them swore at her. James Fleming then told them to use better language, and complainant them rushed into the house and fetched a poker and threatened prisoner with it. Prisoner only pushed her back, and there wasn’t a blow struck on either side.

Sgt Brown said he heard a rather between the parties on the night in question, and he went to see what was the matter he found complainant with the poker and tongs in her hands

Defendant was found over to keep the peace for six months.