Dangerous Offence at Cadeby Pit

July 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 12, 1895

A Dangerous Offence at Cadeby Pit.

Joseph Gillbert, miner, Mexborough, was brought up charged with taking a match down the Cadeby pit, on 26th of June.

Mr. Pawson, solicitor, appeared to prosecute, and said the defendant was charged with breaking the colliery bye-law No. 99, which provided that no person should take matched down the pit .

He went on to explain that on this date a man named Roughton happened to be passing the place or drift in which the defendant was working. As he was doing so he happened to hit the defendants coat and heard a rattling noise. His suspicion being aroused he put his hand in and revealed a box of matches.

Roughton then called to a man named James, and having shown in the matches sent to fetch the defendant, who alleged that he didn’t know they were there.

John Roughton, deputy comedy phones that on 6 June he found the matches in the defendant’s coat as stated by the solicitor. He forthwith reported it.

Defendant: someone put them there; I never smoke, and have no use for the matches.

Alfred Jennings, trammer, Cadeby, said he was present when the matches were found in the defendant’s pocket.

Mr Harry Witty, manager, said the matter was reported to him, and he afterwards and an interview with the defendant, who expressed himself as very sorry, saying at the same time that he could not imagine how the matches had come there. Defendant was perfectly well acquainted with the rules.

The Chairman: Had the defendant been examined before going to work?

Witness: No, he is not an ordinary workman.

The Chairman said it was a most serious offence, as it endangered the lives of all in the pit. He would have to pay £1 and £1 costs.