Conisborough & Denaby Events in 1931

January 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times Friday, 3 January 1932

Conisborough Events in 1931

In this first issue of 1932 I again take the opportunity of wishing everone a happy and prosperous new year and of presenting a local resume of the year.


Keen frosts and skating.

Dominic Gilmore (14) killed at Cadeby.

Conisboro’s new scavenging freighters arrived.

Mr. J. F. Drabble first Conisboro’ man to become barrister-at-law.

By-pass from Buckingham Road to Balby Street started.

Annual gatherings at Parish Church, Baptist Church and Wesleyan Church.

Council decided to negotiate purchase of Brooke Square property for improvements.

New trackless terminus in Conanby.

Colliery pensioners’ tea,


“Highwayman Love” performed by St. Peter’s Operatic Society.

Death of Mr Joseph Marsh (78), 25 years check weighman at Denaby Main and over 20 years superintendent of Baptist Sunday School.

Fire at Buckley’s stables, one man and three horses burned to death and four motor lorries damaged.

Mr and Mrs J.H. Brocklesby sailed for Zanzibar to take charge of clove and cocoa nut plantations at Banani

Burglary at Mr A Drabble’s house, Park Road; £17 stolen


Frosty spell for over a week.

Presentation of R.H.S. certificate to John Brooke, a schoolboy, who saved another from drowning in the Don.

County Council Election: A. Roberts 1360, P. Ogley 573.

Middle School girls won Moxon Shield at Pontefract Musical Festival.

Baptist Rainbow Bazaar raised £ll5.

Death of Mr. Jesse Hill, rate collector.

U.D.C. Election: J. T. E. Collins, H. Gomersall, T. Morgan and C. E. Webster re-elected.

£1,000 damage at fire at turning mill of Woodworking Company.

Medical staff withdrew claim to increase of ½ d per man in colliery stoppages.

Toc H. revived. Presentation to Scoutmaster T. Wood for 12 years’ service with Conisboro’ (10th Donoaster) troop.

S.J.A.B. Ball; record success.


Mr. A. Shelton appointed Clerk to the Burial Board.

Dr. W J. Maclure appointed vicar’s warden. vice Mrs. G.T. Nicholson (deceased). Mr. W. Clarkson elected people’s warden.

At Denaby Mr. W. Wilkinson reappointed vicar’s warden, and Mr. J. P. Engledow re-elected people’s warden.

Rate of 8/9 in the £ levied.

  1. Stainrod (60) died in Fullerton Hospital through injuries received through being run over by trackless vehicle.

Annual meeting of U.D.C.: Mr. G. A. Chadfield (Lab.) appointed chairman, and Mr. H. Gomersall (Lab.) vice-chairman.


Start made on Denby Memorial Park.

Church House Sports Club first dinner.

Arthur Roberts, County Councillor, sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment for forgery and theft.

S.J.A.B. Camp at Scarboro’.

Toc H. moved to new headquarters


Church Army Crusaders in Conisborough

P.c. Hallsworth retired on pension.

Torrential rains, much flooding through overflowing of Kearsley Brook. Houses struck by lightning.

£lOO voted by Home Coal Carting Committee to Herbert Smith testimonial.

St. Alban’s (R.C.) Bazaar raised £146.

County Council By-election: J. T E. Collins 976, T. Morgan 942, M. H. Wray 805, J. Jerram 447.

U.D.C. By-election in West Wards B. Shepherd unopposed.

Car with three passengers ran down bank into Stanley field, and no one hurt.


Conisboro’ Feast.

N.S.P.C.C. flag day raised £13.

AUL Water main burst on Park Road.

St. Peter’s Guild outing to Whitby.

C.U.D.C. Club formed.

Middle School sports

120 Delegates at Sheffield District meeting of Baptist churches at Conisboro’.

Storms’ and floods.

Denaby Hospital Sports.

Canon C. Letaux left  for Wakefield. after 11 years as parish priest Deafly and Mexborough.

S.J.A.B. outing to Skegness.

Presentation to Mr. S. Taylor, secretary of Baptist Church.

Conisboro’ Old Folks’ Treat Committee formed.

Denby Hospital Sunday.


Presentation to Mr. W. Still, on Denaby Colliery to go to manage Cadeby Colliery.

Presentation to Mr. R. Young on leaving Cadeby Colliery to go to manage Maltby Colliery.

Presentation to Mr. N. Hulley on leaving Maltby Colliery to go to manage Denaby Colliery.

Mr. C. P. Richards retired after 22 years as stationmaster.

A Y.T.C. ‘bus overturned at Warmsworth; W. Shillito (60) killed.

200 Old folk at Denahy treat.

Presentation to Mr. E. foreman erector at Cadeby Colliery on retiring after 41 years.

Litter baskets appeared in streets

Mrs. W. Burton appointed organist at Conisboro’ Parish Church.

“Messiah” on radio-gramaphone replaced evening service at Parish Church.

Mr. H. Salmon (74) married Mrs. E. Kelsall (84). Harry Eary (16) broke his neck in falling.



Rev. H. Lee (Vicar) appointed Vicar St. Timothy’s Crookes.

Extensive flooding to Burcroft, owing to rise of Don.

Rev. W. Galloway Mitchell, Wesleyan minister, succeeds Rey. David Williams retired.

Denaby St. Chad’s church site sold.

Denaby horticultural show.

Castle flood-lighted.

Denaby Welfare ambulance contest.

Alan Townsley (21) won Gilmour Walking Cup.

Denaby women bowlers’ team won Montagu Cup, Fullerton Cup, Denaby Cup and Mexborough League.

Council decided to discuss economy in December.

Rev. J. E. Robinson ordained priest.


Ivanhoe Cycling Club’s 100 miles run.

Mr. W. Wilkinson retired from under managership of Cadeby Colliery and received several presents on leaving district.

Annual schools swimming gala.

Work resumed at Denaby Colliery after stoppage for some months for installation new winding machinery.

Denaby Welfare bowlers won Rotherham and Wath Leagues.

Rate of 8/9 in the engine £ levied.

Denaby Church Bazaar raised £130.

Mrs. J. E. Oreatheed (77) died at Bridlington.

Mr. Mann, new stationmaster. arrived.

Denaby market open

First Conisbrough Old Folks Treat


Death of Mr. R. Coleman, parochial lay reader.

Denaby S.J.A.J. team won Kippax Shield and medals.

Record congregations at Parish church Remembrance Day services.

Death of Mr. K. Troughton, chemist.

Denaby Wolf Cubs won the Doncaster Association Wolf Cub Shield for first aid.

Presentation to Rev and Mrs H. Lee.

Record success of SJ.A.B.’s Armistice Ball.

Mr. F. Singleton, lay missioner completed raising of £100 in £1 shares tor Denaby Parish Church Extension Fund

Annual prise distribution to Territorials.

600 Men dismissed from Barnsley beam of Cadeby Colliery, 100 subsequently re-absorbed.

Economy Committee (formed by U.D.C. June) met.

Mr. W. Moore retired and received presentation after 38 years as weighman at Cadeby ‘Colliery.

Denaby Library opened. .

597 guests at Denaby gardeners’ tea.

Denaby Main Company C.L.B, won Warde Aldam Shield for second time in three years.


Conisborough branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution sent £43 to headquarters.

Rev. H. Lee instituted and inducted Vicar of St. Timothy’s, Crookes.

Conservative Association’s first dinner; men’s branch revived.

Death of Mr. R. Marsh (76), Baptist local preacher.

Death of Mr. T. Hadfield (69).

Ratepayers’ Association revived.

“The Children’s pilgrimage” play given in Denaby Parish Church, by Girls’ Friendly Society.

Confirmation service at Parish Church; candidates presented and five lost in the fog.

Denaby street works to cost £16,000 commenced.

8100 tons, a record week’s output at Cadeby.

Albert Ackroyd (49), secretary of British Legion Club and U.S.F. died.

Rev. W. J. T. Pascoe, formerly Vicar of St. Paul’s, Masbro’, instituted Vicar of Conisbrough.