Conisbro’ Hospital Sunday – Hostel for Sick Mothers – Signs Of Progress.

July 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 5, 1929

Conisbro’ Hospital Sunday,

Suggested Hostel for Sick Mothers

Signs Of Progress.

The 39th annual Conisborough Hospital Sunday demonstration took place on Sunday afternoon in the Welfare field, where there was a large gathering, consists of representatives of the various public bodies in the district.

Mr H Hulley, of Marlborough, presided, supported by Mr Tom Williams, M.P., the vicar (the Reverend H Lee), Mr W.M. Burton (hon secretary), Mr W.A.12’s (hon Treasury), Mr G Harrison (chairman of the Demonstration Committee), Mr W.R. Smith (assistant secretary of the Doncaster Royal Infirmary), Mr B Gethen (of Denaby), Doctor W.J.McClure, Mr Ellis Brooks and others

Before the service a lengthy procession went round Conisboro’ starting from Burcroft Hill. The Conisbrough Subscription Band led the way, followed by the Conisbrough and Mexborough Fire Brigades, Sunday Schools, the Denaby Salvation Army Band, the Fullerton Hospital Committee, the Conisbrough Boy Scouts, the St Alban’s Boy Scouts (Denaby), the St John ambulance Brigade, and two decorated wagons.

The Chairman welcome all who came to show their appreciation of the work done by the voluntary hospitals. They all read and spoke good deal about hospitals, but only thought about hospitals seriously when someone dear to them, or perhaps they themselves, required hospital treatment. A great deal of money was spent on the work. They were asked to give liberally to the support of their hospital.

He was an old story, and like “flogging a willing horse,” as many people gave to the cause every week. He asked the audience to look at the question from broad national point of view, and to try to imagine the place would be like without hospitals. If the people realised the tremendous strides made in the last two years in regard to medical treatment they would know it could not be done without the spending of much money, which had to be raised locally, and they would understand the responsibilities of those in charge of hospitals. The Chairman said this was the 25th Conisboro’ demonstration he had attended; some of those present had attended more.

Mr. Ben Gethen gave statistics of the Fullerton Hospital, and said he hoped the time was not far distant when such demonstrations as the present would not be held for the purpose of raising funds for hospitals, but to express thankfulness for the provision of hospitals publicly maintained.

Mr. Maclure stated that when he came into the field the thought struck him that the field was provided out of the Welfare Fund. As he went round the village visiting the various homes be came across cases which grieved him because he could not do as he would. He referred to the mothers of families who could not “lay up” when sick, because of domestic duties, and also that there was no one to do their work in the house. He thought the Welfare Fund could help by providing hostels to which convalescent mothers could go and receive treatment and be free from domestic worries, while their work was done by others. This was a preventative measure, and prevention was better than cure.

Mr. W. R. Smith said there were 191 beds at the Doncaster Hospital, and there was a tremendous waiting list. A new infirmary was being built. When the new building was ready they would have room to take these cases. The Doncaster Hospital had 185 out-patients daily. Conisboro’ sent 29

in-patients last year, the treatment of whom cost £250. He believed that Conisboro’ sent £50 to that hospital.

Mr. Tom Williams, M.P. moved a vote of thanks. Dr. Maclure had referred to one important fact when he spoke of cases outside the hospitals which could not be dealt with now. He would like to warn him to go very carefully in regard to the Hostel Scheme, because people would criticise, though he himself entirely agreed with it. In the past people had been penny-wise and pound foolish. There was a time when there was no ante-natal clinic, and people said it would be an extravagance. Now, politicians of all colours welcomed the clinics. There were at one time no child welfare centres, but now these centres were welcomed; they had reduced infantile death-rate in the West Riding from 163 per 1000 to 70 per 1000, which was a saving of 50 per cent. Similarly, maternity homes and school medical services, once criticised, were now approved.

These services were none the worse for being provided out of the public purse. The time would come when there would be increased medical treatment out of public funds. There must be a supplementary source of income for hospital.

Mr Brooks seconded.