Denaby Hospital Meeting – Costs Up – 3,000 Accidents at Pit in 1937

May 1938

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 17 May 1938

Denaby Hospital Meeting
Costs Up

At the annual meeting of Fullerton Hospital, Denaby, last night, the financial statement, presented Mr. N. Hulley, showed that although during 1937 the income had increased by about £1,000, an increase in expenditure had amounted to almost that figure

An increase in contributions on last year of £980 was made of an increase of miners’ contributions of £490 and increase in donations of over £400.

Total receipts from the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd were £3457 7s 4d. employees’ contributions and donations amounted to £400, employees’ contributions from Messrs. Kilner Bros. Ltd., amounted to pounds and £565 18s 6d.

Dr. J. McArthur, defending an application for increased contributions said that in 1937 there were 3,000 pit accidents.

Leeds Mercury – Tuesday 17 May 1938

Mr. S. R. Johnson, the secretary, reported that the Hospital Board had received an application from the hospital medical staff for an increase in contributions, in view of the increased work that doctors were obliged to perform. The Cadeby Main branch of the Yorkshire Mlneworkers’ Association, one of the chief sources of income, had been given a copy of the application, and were considering the matter.

Mr. Tom Hill, member of the Branch Committee, said that while they could not argue with the doctors’ claim, on account of the increase in cost of living and of drugs, they would ask the doctors to withdraw their claim to a more opportune time.

Dr. J. McArthur said that few people realised the amount of work put in by the doctors. In 1913, when the scheme came Into operation, there were 1,200 accidents at the collleries. In 1937 there were 3,000 accidents.

It was decided that the question should lie on the table.