Shop-Breaking – Miners Sent To Prison – Two Denaby Cases.

March 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 27 March 1931


Miners Sent To Prison.

Two Denaby Cases.

At Doncaster on Monday. Thomas Amott (26),  was sent to prison for four months for larceny and a further four mouths for attempted larceny – eight months in all.

John Jackson (32), who was jointly charged with the larceny only was sent to three hard labour. Both are miners, Amott working at Denaby and Jackson at Yorkshire Main.

The men were originally charged with breaking and entering the lock-up shop of Mary Ann Wright, draper, of Denaby, during Saturday night and stealing goods valued at £11. Amott had been further charged with attempted breaking and entering the lockup shop of Harry Gibson, news agent of Denaby.

Superintendent Minty said the second case was detected when the first one came to light and when Amott was found to be in possession of certain tools, including a brace and bit, corresponding to marks found on Wright’s shop.

The men were natives of the Denaby district and had been convicted. Had they been he would have insisted on the case going forward as it stood because it was serious. As the men had not been convicted he left the case to the magistrates to deal with on a charge of larceny. Shop-breaking was very extensive in the district at present.

Superintendent Minty added that Wright’s shop was locked up on Saturday night, and at 2 a m on Sunday when P.c. Rose was examining property at Denaby, he heard a creaking noise. Taking precautions the Policeman found the prisoners in Wright’s shop hiding behind the counter. Asked what they were doing prisoners replied: “It is a fair cop. we’ll be sports.” The prisoners had drapery goods stuffed in their clothing and other goods were stopped on the counter ready for removal. Continuing his inquiries time policeman found in Amott’s house drapery and a brace and bit which bad been used in connection with the robbery and corresponded with marks found on the shop.

The Superintendent said Amott was really the instigator. Apparently he made an attempt on Gibson’s shop and then broke into Wright’s shop. He appeared to have taken certain things home and returned to the shop accompanied by Jackson, who lodged with bin. The prisoners admitted the charges and Amott, in answer to the assistant magistrates clerk (Mr M.Preece), said he found Gibson’s was the wrong shop. He then went to Wright’s shop, and got in alone, afterwards going for Jackson, who accompanied hint for s second visit. He got Into Wright’s shop from the back with the aid of a brace sad bit.

Supt. Mints said he understood from a sergeant that Amott actually watched Wright lock up her premises on Saturday night.

Asked by the Chairman what he had intended to do with the stolen goods, Amott said: ‘l could not say Trying to pawn them. The pits are doing bad.”

The magistrates complimented P.c. Rose on his smartness.