The Late Strike at Denaby – Claim for Goods Supplied

March 1882

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 17.

The Late Strike at Denaby

Claim for Goods Supplied


This was a claim made by Mr Smith, grocer, of Conisborough for £35 15s 0d against Messes Chappell, Frith and Broadhead, officials connected with the South Yorkshire Miners Association.

Mr Hall appeared for the plaintive, and Messrs Frith and Broadhead, were represented by Mr Clegg of Sheffield. Mr Chappell was unrepresented.

Fully opening statement made by Mr Hall, it appears that the goods were supplied to the men employed at the Denaby Main Colliery. During part of the time that they were on strike in 1878.

Messes Chappell, Frith and Broadhead met together, and, considering the condition of the wives and found out families of the union men, it was agreed that a good should be obtained, each of the officials holding themselves personally liable for what was thus supplied.

It would be stated in evidence that the different collieries, who called upon Mr Smith goes were supplied with tickets for the purpose instead of paying cash. Mr Smith would say that the goods were supplied at the request of Mr Chappell, and he (Mr Chappell) would say it was a joint consent of himself and Messes Frith and Broadhead.

Mr Clegg: First of all the account is debited to the Lodge, then to the Society, and when they cannot make the Society liable, they turn round and say, “it’s a personal responsibility.”

Mr Hall: We will see about that.

William Henry Smith, the plaintive, then spoke to Mr Chappell, calling upon him, also giving evidence as to the goods supplied.

Cross-examined: Previous to 11 January 1878, I supplied £120 worth of goods to the miners.

The plaintive son deposed a good supply, and also to correspondence which had taken place on the matter.

Mr W Chappell, secretary of the Sheffield, Rotherham and District Miners Association, swore that the goods were obtained by agreement for Messrs Frith and Broadhead and himself, and said the question had been repeatedly referred to between them. The things were obtained on the personal responsibility of the three of them, and they were to look to the miners for the money afterwards.

Mr Clegg cross-examined the witness on the point where the Messes Frith and Broadhead were really the transaction, and Mr Chappell emphatically asserted that they were.

The Judge failed to see that Chappell and the slightest authority to pledge the other defendants, and gave a verdict for the plaintive against him only.