Wage Advance

October 1898

Mexborough and Swinton Times October 14, 1898

Wage Advance

According to reports, the surface workmen employed at the various collieries in the district; are not satisfied with the 2 ½, per cent. Advance in their wages.

The Denaby surface men have had a Meeting, and a resolution was passed demanding five per cent.

As this resolution has been passed at several other large meetings at the Yorkshire pits, I fear there will be some considerable trouble this coming winter with the surface workmen.

I am told that the only surface workmen who were paid the advance on Saturday last, were bankmen and screenmen.

Perhaps fitters, smiths, joiners, and other surface men need no advance, is that so? As an outsider, I should certainly think they have as much right to the advance as the banksmen have.