Wesleyans Marry

September 1882

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 1.


Tuesday last was a red letter day with the Wesleyan’s of Conisborough.

Two of the teachers connected with the Sunday school, and representing two of the principal families of the congregation were married at the Chapel by the reverent, M Westcombe, the resident Minister.

The applicable were Mr WH Smith, eldest son of Mr D Smith, Conisborough and all, and Jane Margaret Hudson, fourth and only surviving daughter of the late Mr T F Hudson, farmer and corn miller

Carpets were laid from the carriage to the Chapel doors, and Sunday scholars strewed the path with flowers. A good company met to witness the interesting ceremony, after which the two families and other friends were entertained to breakfast at Mrs Hudson’s, the Poplars.

The happy couple shortly afterwards left for Scotland, to spend their honeymoon.