What Are the Actual Earnings of the Miner

June 1927

Sheffield Daily Telegraph June 13, 1927

What Are the Actual Earnings of the Miner?

It was stated at a recent meeting of the County Council that a miner in this district was only able to take 1s 1d ( 6p) home, and that in another case the man had only 4d left; but when these instances were brought to the notice of a Denaby official he declared that they could not have occurred at their pit, where the men have been doing five shifts and workers at the coalface have been earning 25 shillings (£1.25) per shift.

Speaking generally, the majority of working miners earn about 50% above the minimum, and while the wages average 70 shillings per shift, many of them reach a much higher sum.

It has to be borne in mind that only a comparatively small proportion of the mine workers are actually engaged at the coalface.

The surface man lives under similar conditions at a much lower rate of pay.

The minimum means 10s 2d (51p) a shift for the miner at the coalface and about 7s 9d (38p) for the surface man.