
in January 1948 the district had its wettest fortnight for 10 years, with vast areas flooded
The B.B.C. are making recordings at Conisborough’s unique Sickle factory
An Airman escapes from a blazing bomber with his mother having a premonition of the event
There’s a new Medical Officer for the district
A Conisbrough bride has an unusual journey as she is ferried to her wedding
We have a picture of the 1907 Conisborough Cricket team and the over sixties go a carolling

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In February 1948 the big celebration in the district was the opening of the Pit Head Baths at Denaby
At Denaby Baths there was an ‘Old King Coal’ dance, where admission was by a piece of coal (minimum 6 inches)!
Another miner dies and the Pantomime carries on at the Request of his Widow
The Council closes the Castle Keep, gets an extra bus for the workmen and complains of dirty, unwrapped bread being delivered
Hopkinson’s Motor Auctions is the 2nd largest in the Country,High Wind prevents a 82 year old catching the trolleybus
and a Famous footballer’s son breaks his leg

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In March 1948 there was a three cornered fight at the Council Elections
and we have pictures and details of all the Candidates
One of the candidates is honoured with a place on the Consultative Council
There’s a dedication at the Clifton Mission Church and the Over sixties club celebrate their first anniversary
In cricket, Arthur Ellis seeks his fortune in the Bradford League
and in Football a Denaby veteran recalls the players from 1907 when Denaby United had a team that would ‘qualify for the Third Division ‘ – the Football League !

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In April 1948 the toast of the town was the Watchmaker’s rabbit
compared with the White Rabitt in Alice in Wonderland
A young boy with a wandering habit was found in Barnsley the following morning
We have photos of the Council candidates and their results
There’s news of a nurse who passed the State exam and the Ministry of Works will maintain Conisbrough’s £25 castle
We have a picture of a double Arabesque and a Forger gets five years
United’s season is almost over with a benefit for George Madin, featuring local stars.

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In May 1948 five Conisbrough Schoolboys have an idea and hold a ‘backyard concert’ to raise money for Doncaster Infirmary
and The RAF concedes not to send a recently married Conisbrough man to Singapore
and we are taken through the Auction of the Firsby Farm stock
The weekly civic dances at Denaby baths are hailed a success and a 20 year old collier is crushed by a 22 cwt stone
A Conisbrough veteran hears his hymns at the Church anniversary and Denaby Church has distinguished African visitors
The Modern School holds an experiment with selected boys and the Hill Top Farm
United transferred their full back to West Bromwich Albion for one of their highest ever transfer fees

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In June 1948 the National Coal Board was reorganising with many new posts created
The Isolation Hospital says goodbye as the new National Health Service takes over
There’s serious vandalism at Conisbrough and return of an emigrant whose bar is in Hollywood
We have reminiscences of the Model Aeroplane club of 1911 and the Gliding Machine that rose 20 feet
Denaby and Cadeby are competing in the new South Riding League and Bruce Woodcock presents prizes at Denaby

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In July 1948 there was a touching story of a German POW who returned to his country, with the gift of a bar of toilet soap – and the reaction it received!
The Fullerton Hospital Board meets for the final time and there’s a Drum head service by the St John’s Cadets at Consbrough Castle
A Conisbrough man is inducted into the living of Ashton on Ribble and another young man from Conisbrough obtains an Oxford degree and a job in London
Denaby & Cadeby are competing in the newly formed South Riding League with a good victory over League Leaders, Hemsworth

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In August 1948 we hear about a Denaby, former Irish, family
successfully settled in New York
and a group of Conisbrough boys in holiday in France
The Conisbrough show takes place and a Conisbrough nurse gets an award from a Duchess
Jack Bullard helps Denaby bowl out Harworth for 13
and we have a profile of Denaby’s long serving wicket keeper George Allen, still going strong at 54

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In September 1948 there’s tragic news from Malaya where a young Conisbrough girl is fatally burned
there is an interesting article about the development of trolleybuses
and another about how the former Conisbrough Cliff Co is now a Model Quarrying Enterprise
Denaby Main is to work a new seam – Haigh Moor and there’s another death after a fall of roof
the South Riding league comes to the end of its first season as Conisbrough Cricket Club break a club record

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In October 1948 an Irishman’s alleged bid to strangle a Conisbrough girl caught the headlines
A Denaby girl is hoping to set sail for the USA and a Conisbrough girl is flying to Canada to be wed
Drakehead Lane Lane sees a German visitor
There is a Scout camp fire at Conisbrough Castle and Local Labour women received long service appreciation
A Denaby youth worker receives his commission and the Denaby vicar and his mother make 150 lbs of jam
The Lord Conyers landlord retires and the Conisbrough Mothers Union celebrates its Coming of age

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November 1948 the stories of the month were war -related
A Conisbrough man details his horrific experiences in a Japanese POW camp
and a Denaby woman is reunited with her family, 34 years since fleeing from German occupation
In an accident with a trolley bus a Denaby man avoids serious injuries
and a Fog blackout saw two Mexborough girls walk into the canal but didn’t deter a ‘crazy night’ at Denaby baths!
There’s the story of how a newspaper survives the Cadeby explosion while unions are critical of the NCB dispute solving processes
A Denaby Cadet who holds a national title is among the winners at Mexborough, Highwoods Road, Drill Hall
We hear the story of a Denaby cricketer who made numerous appearances for Sheffield United and a graphic description of United’s victory over Boston

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in December 1948 another miner received fatal injuries and a boy loses his eye after being hit by missile at a film matinee
We hear how “Rover” brings home the Sunday joint and a Denaby man flies to Canada to meet his pen friend
The weddings this month include Conisbrough brides in Canada and Jersey and a 79 year old congratulated by his grandson
There’s news of a new youth centre in Denaby and a committee of 16
The Denaby Choral Society perform Handel’s Messiah and “Ivanhoe” is presented by the girls of Ivanhoe town!

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