Retirement – “Bob” and “Charlie” Lapidge

January 1945

South Yorkshire Times January 6, 1945


Last Saturday two very well-known men in the village retired from their work to take a rest in their advancing years. They were Mr R.H. Lapidge of 15 Tickhill Square Denaby Main, and Mr C.H.Lapidge of 67 Warmsworth Street, Denaby Main.

Mr “Bob” Lapidge has been in the employ of the Colliery Company for about 48 years. He commenced as a groom in 1896, and was later groom for the late Mr R Williamson, who was then chief engineer.

Some 42 years ago he was appointed head horsekeeper, a position he has held until his retirement. He has for many years been connected with the Special Constabulary, and at their annual dinner a few weeks ago he received the gift of a walking stick suitably inscribed.

Mr “Charlie” Lapidge commenced work at the colliery in 1889 and has completed 45 years service. He worked on the surface until 1911 and then he went down the pit as horse keeper until 1931, when he was appointed one of the ambulance room attendance at the colliery, which post he retires.

He too, had been connected with the Special Constabulary the last six years of the St John ambulance Brigade for many years and served in the last war with the R.A.M.C.