South Yorkshire Times Nov 5, 1955
Memorial Window.
A long time ago money was subscribed for a war memorial at the Parish Church to those who had given their lives in the second world war.
It was decided that this should take the form of a stained glass window in the Lady Chapel. It had been hoped to have this inserted last year but there has been much delay through varying circumstances. The Vicar and members of the Parochial Council have been concerned about the delay but it was through circumstances they could not control, and to the questions that have often been asked about the delay they could only reply that the matter was receiving attention and the artist was pressed to proceed with the work as quickly as possible.
However the work, we are assured, has now been completed and the Vicar announced on Sunday evening that the window would now be installed and ready for dedication on Sunday, November 13th, and he was arranging a special service in the morning of that day to which invitations to all the public bodies would be extended and he hoped relatives of those to whom the memorial will be dedicated would also attend the service.
The insertion of this window completes the scheme for the Lady Chapel in which all the windows will then be stained glass memorials.