Conisbrough Council – Desperate Position Of Guardians – Long-Term Loans Wanted

September 1926

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 17, 1926

Conisbrough Council
Desperate Position Of Guardians
Long-Term Loans Wanted

The policy of the Minister of Health in the fixing of very short-terms for the repayment of loans to the board of guardians during the extraordinary circumstances created by the coal dispute was discussed at the meeting of the Conisborough Urban Council on Wednesday.

Loans for Guardians

The Pontefract town Council forwarded a resolution, the effect of which was on an appeal to the Ministry of health to make the loans long-term, Pontefract asked Conisborough to support the resolution to the Minister of health.

Mr J Brocklesby moved that support be given, and Mr A Roberts seconded. Mr Roberts instanced the position of the Doncaster Board of Guardians. The board had received their loan £80,000 and the repayment was due in a few weeks! The loan met the immediate necessity but at once created a new and hopeless problem – the problem of extracting from ratepayers who could not possibly meet the demand, a rate of 3s 4d To repay the money.

Mr. J. T. E. Collins and Mrs. Kaye suggested that the matter be adjourned for further consideration of its implications, but were alone in this view, and the council decided support the Pontefract resolution.

Bus Services

Mr J Guest, proprietor of the blue bus service, has been instructed that unless he keeps to the rules laid down by the council his licence will be suspended. Mr Guest, some time ago, applied for a licence to run a connective service between the Star Hotel and Morley Place. This was granted but, according to the council, the service became part of a through service between Doncaster and Rotherham. The council objected to his using of the old road, partly because they considered it unsuitable for this type of traffic and partly because they had already signified the approval of the Mexborough and Swinton Tramway company’s proposal to serve that district with their trolley cars when their system is extended. Mr Guest had previously been instructed to cease running along that route, and the reported failure to take notice of the instruction resulted in the decision taken by council on Wednesday.

A Tenancy Agreement

Action was taken over a breach of the tenancy agreement between the council and a tenant on the housing site. The tenant had a lodger, and on leaving the house had handed over the key to the lodger instead of the Council. The council requested the unofficial tenant to appear before them. After interviewing him they decided not to upset the former tenant’s termination of her tenancy, and to hold her responsible for the payment of the rent in the interval between her leaving and the proper termination of the tenancy.


On the recommendation of the finance committee approval was given to taking up of a loan of £5,000 part of the short-term loan for the financing of the sanitary conversion scheme; of a further £5,000 for payment of subsidy on housing, and for £20,000 more on mortgages loans account, for housing – principally for the Conisborough Housing Association.


The Denaby Labour Party were granted permission to hold a series of meetings on Northcliffe Hill.

The Council are asking the butchers in the district to provide electric fans in their shops.

The Post Office have been given permission to lay underground telegraph cable in New Hill and Clifton Hill.

Permission has been granted the Mexborough and Swinton Tramway’s company to continue their trolley car service from the present terminus to Dale house, along Dale Road, Castle Hill, Castle Street, Church Street, Old Road, Welfare Avenue, Denaby Avenue, the Crescent and Cadeby Avenue.

Licenses to the Barnsley Traction Company and Mr John Guest, have been renewed, for the running of buses along the Doncaster and Tinsley Road, from the urban district boundary to the junction at the Star Hotel, and thence to Doncaster.

A noticeboard is to be erected warning cyclists against the use of footpaths across North Cliff Hill, on pain of proceedings.