1839 – Sheep Story – Sheffield Independant


Sheep Story

Joseph Glasby, of Mexborough, was charged with a misdemeanour by Robert Marsh, of Denaby. Mr. Badger appeared for the prosecutor and Mr. Potter for the defendant.

Robert Marsh stated, that on Thursday, the 22nd April, he was in the field, when Glasby came, and wanted to buy some sheep he shewed him two rams, and they agreed upon the price, and that Glasby was to pay £6 on account He went away for the purpose, as he stated, of fetching the money, end witness staid at home waiting of him till half-past ten o´clock, but he not having come at that time, went out, leaving word with his man that if Glasby came, he was not to let him have the sheep unless he paid £6 on account.

Next day witness met the prisoner in Mexborough, and said, ‘·You are a pretty fellow to fetch those sheep away without paying for them.” He wanted o go and weigh the sheep, and to pay 2s on account, but witness refused to weigh the sheep on those terms.

Thomas Pearson, shepherd to Mr. Marsh, proved that on Thursday, the 22nd April, the defendant came at about six o’clock for two sheep, and in consequence of what his master had said to him, he refused to let him have them unless he paid £6 on account.

Glasby said he had seen Mr. Robert Marsh about it since, and had settled the matter with him, and he was to let him have the sheep. On being informed that he had not seen Mr. Marsh, witness went to Mexborough in the morning, without his master´s authority to try to get them back…..The defendant swore at him, and would not let him have them.

The prisoner was committed for trial, but allowed bail.