Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 18.
Increase of Precepts.
ARP Bill at Conisborough Hospital.
£1740 on Air Raid Shelters.
The question of Government grant for ARP shelters at hospitals, was discussed at a meeting of the Doncaster and Mexborough Joint Hospital Board at Conisbrough Isolation Hospital on Wednesday, when the Clerk (Mr Roy Bowers) reported the receipt of a circular from the Home Office on the matter.
The Board have spent £1,740 to date on the provision of shelters at the hospital.
The Clerk, read relevant sections of the circular, and added that he had referred the matter to the West Riding County Council as the ARP scheme making authority for the area with a view to them applying for a grant. The position was that the Board had taken action before the Government department had formulated its plans.
The County Councilhad replied that the matter was still under consideration by the emergency committee and no liability could be accepted until certain matters in the circular had been clarified.
Mr Bowers added that if the account could be sent to Wakefield, there would not have been any need to increase the precepts on constituent authorities that he was going to ask them to sign that afternoon.
It was agreed that the Board should press the County Council on the matter and that is the letter failed, a deputation consisting of the Chairman (Mr W.Cranfield); councillors G.S.Morley (Mexborough) and T.Shephard (Conisbrough) with the Clerk, should interview the County Council at Wakefield.