Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 16 November 1927
Liberal Candidate For Gloucester – T.W. Casey
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Adopted Liberal Candidate For Gloucester. At a meeting of the Gloucester Liberal Association last night, Mr. T. W. Casey, J.P., of Sheffield, was adopted as the Party’s prospective Parliamentary candidate for Gloucester City at the next General Election.
Mr- Casey is the general secretary of the Winding Enginemen and General Engineers Society, and represented the Attercliffe Division of Sheffield in Parliament from 1918 to 1922. He was elected a Coalition Liberal-Labour candidate, defeating Mr. W- C. Anderson, the Labour candidate, a majority of 5.769 votes. At the General Election of 1922. however, Mr- Casey lost the seat to Mr. H. Wilson, the present Labour M.P. for the Division, whose majority was 8,644. Mr. Casey on that occasion stood a Liberal-Labour candidate. He has also contested the Ilkeston Division of Derbyshire a Liberal, but failed against the Labour candidate.
Mr- Casey is a native of Intake, Sheffield, and was for six years an engineman at Birley Colliery, and for 24 years a winding engineman at Cadeby Colliery. Some 14 years ago he was elected general secretary of his society He was member of Mexborough Council for six vears and has been prominently associated with the Primitive Methodist Church as a local a Trade Union official.
Mr. Casey is a man of broad views on Imperial and national questions. It was his opposition to extremist methods that brought him into disfavour in Attercliffc, and the last contest fought there he was subjected to persistent rowdyism i and his meetings were broken up night after night.
He is a fluent speaker, has a convincing personality, and has always been a keen worker for a better personal understanding between Labour and Capital.