Conference Issue – Suggestions Considered At Conisbrough

November 1947

South Yorkshire Times November 1, 1947

Conference Issue
Suggestions Considered At Conisbrough

Conisbrough Primary School Managers’ request to the staffs of Conisbrough and Denaby primary schools to give further consideration to their suggestion that a conference of all the teachers might be called to discuss various matters of interest to all the schools was considered at a meeting of Conisbrough and Denaby headteachers at the Modern School, Conisbrough, on Monday.

Reports on the staffs’ views were submitted from each school, and the ‘South Yorkshire Times’ understands that all the staffs rejected the suggestion and that a joint letter is to be submitted to ther Managers informing them of this decision

Below we give the teachers’ original replies read to the Managers at their meeting this month.

Conisbrough Morley Place,—Junior Mixed School: “While in sympathy with the movement to attain more co-operation it was felt that such a conference might result in a too rigid standardisation and thus tend to destroy the individuality of each particular school.    Therefore the proposal wa

s turned down and it was unanimously agreed that no useful purpose could be served by it.

Station Road – Junior comment: “I am certain that the maiority of teachers will not favour a conference as suggested. Matters of Interest to the various schools are discussed at head teachers and that N.UT. meetings and I consider that these meetings cover most matters which can be discussed. Any co-operation between teachers and managers should take place at Divisional Executive Level.”

Infants’ School. “The teachers on  the staff of this school are not in favour of the suggestion that two half days’ reserve holidays should be for a conference of teachers. The view is that as the days are holidays, attendance would be voluntary and scanty. Matters of interest are already discussed at head-teachers’ meetings and N.U.T. meetings, where the views of individuals, whether head or classteacher, are brought forward.”


Balby Street.—Junior Mixed School: “I have an open mind on the matter, but suggest that first the head-teachers of the schools concerned should meet to discuss their individual problems and ideas, plan out a discussion syllabus with speakers to introduce the various subjects so that the conference, if held, may be interesting and instructive.”

Infants’ Dept.: “I cannot think of any matter of interest, but I should be willing to attend if an interesting agenda was suggested. I would like to suggest that an address by a good speaker on some educational matter, followed by discussion, might be of more value than a discussion on some matter of purely local interest.”

Denaby Main.—Junior Mixed School: “It would appear to me that a meeting of head-teachers could he called to present the views of each staff and then if it is felt that some useful purpose could be served, a communication might be isent to every teacher.”

St. Alban’s.

— “The general feeling Is that some good might come out of such a conference, but there is a great danger that it would be a waste of time. I feel that any conference arranged could only be regarded as experimental.”