Conisboro’ Affray – Alleged Attack on Irishmen

December 1920

Mexborough and Swinton Times, December 18th

Conisbrough Affray
Alleged attack on Irishmen

A remarkable story was partially unfolded at Doncaster, on Saturday, when a middle-aged miner, John Richardson Hannam, was charged in custody with shooting with intent to murder George Cocksedge, another Conisbrough, miner, on Saturday night.

Sgt Minty applied for a remand for a week owing to the condition of the injured man. He said a number of Irishmen from Edlington went to Conisbrough, where they visited a public house, and stayed drinking with some Englishman.

After turning out time there was a quarrel, though nothing serious appeared to have taken place until the prisoner remarked that he would go home and fetch his gun. He appeared to have done so, and deliberately fired at the men, one of whom, Cocksedge, was so badly injured in the right arm that he had to be taken to the Doncaster infirmary. He was not yet out of danger, though the report that morning was that he was “comfortable.”

Evidence of arrest was given by PC Davidson, who said his attention was called to the report of the gun from the direction of Highfield road. As he proceeded there someone came running down. “Look out, there is a man using a revolver.” He then heard prisoners shout, “Is there any more —- Irish. I will shoot the —— lot of them.”

He ran down towards Doncaster road, and something whizzed past witness. He told some people who were in Doncaster road to get under cover.

Prisoner rushedup brandishing a gun, shouting: “What are you, Irish or English?” He put it to shoulder, when witness rushed at him, and seizing the gun, obtained possession of it.

PC Moulden, who had come up, took the man, Cocksegde, to the Doncaster Infirmary, and witness took prisoner to the police station, where, when charged, he made no reply. Another miner, Thomas Grork, had been injured in the affray.

Prisoner was asked if he had any objection to being remanded, and he replied in the negative, but as for bail. Superintendent Minty opposed, and prisoner was then remanded for a week.

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