Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 9
ConisboroughUrban Council.
First Meeting of the New Body.
Mr H.C.Harrison appointed Chairman
Mr Brocklesby Sounds the Right Note
the first meeting of the Conisborough Urban District Council, was held on Wednesday evening in the Station Road Schools, Conisbrough. All the members were present with a few ratepayers in addition. Mr H.M.Marshall, deputy returning officer, attended and received the declarations of acceptance of office.
Appointment of Chairman.
At the outset, Mr H.M.Marshall took charge of the meeting and asked the council to appointed chairman.
Mr John Brocklesby asked whether the council ought not to decide a period for which the appointment should be made.
Mr Marshall said the Council could not do that by resolution, because they could not bind their successors, and any uderstanding would have to be unwritten. He advised the council not to stultify themselves but to make the appointment in the ordinary way for one year. He pointed out that some members of the Counsel were only elected for one year.
Mr Norwood then proposed that Mr John Brocklesby, be elected chairman. Mr Brocklesby, he said, was in every way suited to the appointment. He had served Conisboroughparochially for many years. He had been a member and chairman of the old ConisboroughParish Council, chairman of the ConisboroughEducation Committee, a county councillor, and a magistrate. This they knew is worth and integrity, and what was also important, he had leisure to devote himself entirely to the affairs of Conisbrough.
Mr G’s Wheeliker proposed that Mr H.C.Harrison be elected chairman.
Mr J Shelton seconded.
A Graceful Attitude.
Mr John Brocklesby supported the resolution. Mr Harrison received more votes than any other candidate at the recent election, but that was not the only reason for supporting his nomination. He (Mr Brocklesby) was very anxious that the new Council should be successful in the highest degree and in the best sense of the term. He desired that they should be unity in the Council, for they could not get the best results otherwise. For years there had existed a kind of jealousy between Denaby and Conisboroughand he had always deprecated that. They had now been thrown together, and they must never let anything divide them again. (Hear, hear). The all they would avoid separating into two camps, and would look at everything from the general business standpoint. He was much obliged to Mr Norwood for mentioning his name and coupling with it certain kind expressions of esteem. For sentimental reasons he would welcome the honour, but sentiment must be set aside and the interest of the public secured. (Hear, hear) he trusted that the speed in which they were now approaching their friends from the Western district, would be reciprocated; he believed it would be. (Applause.)
Mr Norwood said that after hearing Mr Brocklesby, he would like to withdraw his nomination. Mr Harrison, and Mr Brocklesby were both friends of it, he esteem them both greatly unequally, I would be happy to serve under either of them. Wr Harrison was a young man of remarkable administrative capacity, I was responsible for the successful guidance of a great commercial undertaking. He was in every respect, suitable for appointment to the chairmanship of the ConisboroughUrban District Council.
The election of Mr Harrison was carried unanimously and with enthusiasm.
New Chairman’s Appeal.
Mr Harrison said he felt he was hardly “up to the job,” but he was going to do his best. He must thank the gentleman who nominated him, and he thanked Mr Brocklesby from the bottom of his heart for the spirit yet shown. (Hear, hear). They all appreciated it, and he trusted that the work of the Council will be carried on permanently in that spirit. (Hear, hear). He trusted they would all work, not for Denaby or Conisbrough, but for the Urban District.
They were there to represent the whole district and they must do it without local fear or favour, affection or ill will, aiming at getting the best general results. He looked to the Council for guidance and support. (Applause.)
the Council then went into committee upon the opponents of officials and other initial admin measures.
Mr H.M.Marshall was appointed temporary Clerk to the Council.
The Chairman and Vice chairman were asked to interview bankers in connection with appointment of a Treasurer.
Mr Jessie Hill was appointed collector, at remuneration to be fixed, but not less than his previous remuneration.
You are decided to appoint, subject to the sanction of the Ministry of Health, Mr Henry Thirlwall to the joint office of Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector, at a salary of £300 – £150 for each office – plus the Civil Service bonus.
The Ministry of Health wrote recommending Dr A.B.Dunne, medical officer to the Doncaster Rural District Council, for appointment as Medical Officer to the ConisboroughUrban District Council. It was decided by nine votes to 5 to advertising appointment at a salary of £100
the estimate of expenditure was submitted and approved, and it was decided to assess cottage property not exceeding £10 in rateable value at 75 per cent.
A rate of three shilling in the pound for the current half-year was levied.
It was resolved to apply to the Ministry of Health for an order conferring upon the Council power to appoint or to revoke the appointment of overseers and assistant overseer’s.