New Angle – Conisborough Has A Woman Fancier

May 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 27, 1938

New Angle
Conisborough Has A Woman Fancier

Mrs. Hanson, North Cliffe Road, Conisborough, probably has the distinction of being the first woman in the Don Valley to take up pigeon racing as a hobby. She is a flying member of Denaby and Conisborough Flying Club (this being her first year) and she has flown her birds in each of the society’s races. In the first three events she achieved good results and had a share in the pools each time, but her luck has been out in the last two races.

In an interview Mrs. Hanson told a “Times” representative that she had always been interested in homing, for her husband too had been an enthusiastic racer with local clubs. Three seasons ago he was practically unbeatable and possessed one of the finest cross channel birds in the district. Now he has given up pigeon racing to devote his time solely to gardening. He sold all his birds, with the exception of one that he gave to Mrs. Hanson and dispensed with his loft.

Mrs. Hanson and her mother made their own loft, and Mrs. Hanson was subsequently given further birds by local pigeon fanciers. Mrs. Hanson has bred all her own stock and now possesses about a dozen birds. Last season she sent two or three of her birds on training flights along with those of the club.

“My greatest ambition.” she said. ”is to take part in all the cross channel races; I cannot see why I should not do well, for I have the ‘grandchildren’ of a bird that has won over the channel on more than one occasion.”

What her husband did three seasons ago, Mrs. Hanson hopes to do this season.