Denaby Men’s Deeds – Butcher, Wheeliker, Walker and Wright

April 1918

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 03 April 1918

Denaby Men’s Deeds.

Butcher, Wheeliker, Walker and Wright

A patriotic demonstration took place at Denaby Main last night, when a number of presentations were made by Mr. W. H. Chambers, managing director of the Denaby and Cadeby Ltd., on behalf of the Denaby Heroes Fund Committee under whose auspices seventeen presentations of this nature have now been made.

A commemorative address, together with her husband’s portrait and a purse of money were handed to Mrs. Butcher, widow of Rifleman Randolph Butcher, K.R.R., 43, Loversall Street, Denaby, who won the Military Medal in March, 1917, and died the following May. The medal was pinned to the breast of the deceased soldier’s infant daughter, who was also given a gold pendant and chain.

Congratulatory addresses and gold watches were presented to Second-Lieutenant George Wheeliker, Y. and L., 42, Ravenfield Street, Denaby, who won the Military Medal while serving as a sergeant on the Somrme, and has since lost his right arm in action, and to Stoker Ernest Walker, late R.N., 24, Maltby Street, Denaby, who won the Cross of the Order of St. George, and was presented with it at Reval by the ex-Czar in connection with the sinking of the German cruiser Undine in the Baltic by Submarine E 19, and has since been discharged owing to injuries suffered in the Balkans.

Gunner Sam Wright, R.F.A., 60 Braithwell Street, Denaby, now discharged, who won the D.C.M. at Loos, the Military Medal on the Somme, has been mentioned in dispatches: and been awarded the Mons Star, and has also previously received a gold watch from the Denaby Heroes’ Fund, was now given a, gold chain and illuminated address in connection with his second honour.

Mr. C. B. Chandler, assistant editor of the ” Sheffield Daily Telegraph,” gave an inspiring address on his experience amongst the Yorkshire troops at the front. Mr. H. C. Harrison, agent to the collieries, presided.