South Yorkshire Times December 6, 1958
Chance of A “Fridge”
Conisbrough U.D.C. Seek Views of Tenants
Tenants in Council -owned houses in Conisbrough and Denaby district at this week received a Conisbrough Urban Council circular, asking if they would like a new refrigerator installed.
The housewives were also invited to the Council Offices in High St, Conisbrough to inspect a type of refrigerator which, if approved, may be installed in many of the Council houses.
Mr. G. Chadwick. Surveyor to Conisbrough U.DC. Told the “South Yorkshire Times” on Tuesday that the number of people coming to inspect the refrigerator had been most encouraging, with almost 200 in the first few days.
He stressed, however, that no final decision had yet been taken and the Council merely wished to discover how many of their tenants would be prepared to accept one of the refrigerators.
The Council’s circular states that the proposed cost would be 2/9d. a week, additional to the normal rent.
Not a New Idea
Tenants would be obliged to agree to pay for the refrigerator over a period of several years, the figure stated on the circular being 10 here’s.
This figure may, however, be modified according to demand. Mr. Chadwick pointed out that the idea was not a new one, although in most cases the capacity of the refrigerator had been considerably smaller than that on view. ,
On interviewing several Council house tenants, either, a “South Yorkshire Times” reporter found that the majority of them were not impressed by such a scheme.
Mrs. Nellie Fox of 19, Daylands Avenue, `Conisbrough, said “I don’t think they are worth it. We should pay rent for years and it would still never belong to us. I am sure there are better things on which the Council could spend their money than this.”
Mrs, Annie Kelly of 20, Daylands Avenue, said, “They are good things for young families where there are big wages coming in, but most of my family are now living away from home and I don’t need one.”
Waiting To See
Now, the Council are waiting to see the reaction of their tenants who have not yet indicated whether would or not they like a refrigerator.
A refrigerator of the type on show costs about £45, although 2/9 rental for 10 years would amount to over for to £70. The difference is due to the Council having to pay interest on the loan which would be required to buy the refrigerators.