A Conisboro’ Inventor – Safety Device for Lifts and Cages.

July 1930

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 July 1930

A Conisboro’ Inventor

Safety Device for Lifts and Cages.

The attention of the Ministry of Mines has been drawn to apparatus designed to arrest the fall of pit cages, etc , invented by Mr. Norman Oakley of 8, Hamelin, Road, Conisborough, and at their request Mr. Oakley has forwarded drawings of his invention.

Seen by a “Times” representative, Mr. Oakley stated he had the utmost confidence in his invention, and willing to risk his life on its trial. It is designed to arrest a cage in the event of the rope breaking and can be worked on both rope and slide conductors. Mr. Oakley has been concentrating on the invention for the last four years, but owing to the expense involved has been unable to place it on the market. Recently the model was inspected by Mr. Tom Williams, M.P., and Mr. Tom Smith, M.P., and Mr. Oakley was subsequently requested to send drawings for inspection. He claims that the device is simple and absolutely reliable.

Mr. Oakley is an electrical engineer, and formerly worked at the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery, but is now employed by the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Company. He was born in Denabv and has lived in the district all his life. Modelling appeals to him and his work-room is lined with ingenious models. He concentrates on the invention of apparatus designed to save life and he feels that some provision should be made by the Government to enable inventors in that category to give the world the benefit of their discoveries. He hopes to place on the market non-skid apparatus for motor vehicles