Conisborough Notes – Sixty Steps – Iron Water Tanks – Rent Arrears

September 1930

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 19 September 1930

Conisborough Notes

Some months ago, Mr. G. Brocklesby, the Accountant to Conisboro’ Urban Council offered to give a strip of land to connect Park Road and Holywell Lane. The Surveyor (Mr. H. Thirlwall) has now submitted a scheme.

Sixty steps of six feet, with handrail, are to be placed on the hillside. Fencing will be placed on one side and a quickset hedge planted, so as to maintain the sylvan atmosphere when the fencing has done its duty. The path, which will be lighted, will prove a boon to residents in the Daylands area , and particularly to those workmen who make a daily journey to Edlington Colliery.

The Council is to inquire into a scheme for equipping Council houses with galvanised iron tanks to replace the present water butts. It is thought that this can be done at a price which the tenants will not find prohibitive.

Another concession has been granted to the Council’s tenants: They will now be permitted to erect greenhouses or mall sheds in their gardens on the approval of plans.

Conisboro’ baths will be kept open until the end of October. Those who think that because it is cold outside it is cold in the water are very much mistaken. I can assure bathers that conditions are as pleasant as during very hot weather, for the water is heated.

During August we consumed nearly seven million gallons of water, giving an average per head per day of 27.7 gallons, against 30.1 for July.

Conisboro’ Council has 108 tenants, and rent arrears amount to about £230, nearly equal to a penny rate. From tenants who have left there is a legacy of nearly £500. The Council are giving special consideration to individual cases, and so we can look for an immediate reduction. One gathers that it is the intention to dispel the illusion prevailing that Council houses are rent-free houses. With 108 houses we have ever £700 arrears, and I learn that Doncaster, with 1300 houses has arrears of less than one pound per house.