Proposed Local Board for Conisborough.

October 1890

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 10 October 1890

 Proposed Local Board for Conisborough.

Efforts are being made by many of the principle inhabitants of Conisborough to sever their connection with the Doncaster Highway Sanitary Authority, substituting therefore a Local Board, the need for which has long been felt.

The water supply of the village is not anything like what it should be, the footpaths, where they exist at all, are in a very dangerous state, there is a total absence of public lighting, although there is it gas works in the place, and the state of the brook, into which all the sewage of the town is emptied, is in a most disgraceful state, and is a serious menace to the health of the inhabitants.

The advisability of forming a Local Board area has long been in favour with the general body of ratepayers, who are burdened and receive next to nothing in return, but the project has been strenuously opposed in certain quarters, and hitherto with success.

It is expected, however, that before long some definite steps will be taken, for in view of the rapid extension of the place it is held that a Local Board will soon be indispensable.

A proposed new road across what is known as Minnemora, and which will cut off quite half-a-mile between Mexborough and Doncaster, is a project that finds much favour, but of course it could only be undertaken by public enterprise. Conisborough is a rapidly growing place. and will soon become an important centre and the demand, therefore, of the parishioners has a great deal of force behind it.