Urban Powers Inquiry – 5. Evidence for the Rural Council

February 1901

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 February 1901

Conisborough Urban Powers Inquiry

Evidence for the Rural Council

Dr J Mitchell Wilson, the medical officer of Health for the Doncaster Rural District Council, was called by Mr Bairstow, and it was agreed that the evidence he gave the last inquiry should be put in as in evidence on this occasion, with some additional statements as to what the Rural Council had done since the previous inquiry.

Dr Wilson said the District Council had taken the scavenging of the whole of the parish of Conisborough under their direct control, and throughout the year the work had been done thoroughly and well. Some of the principal streets in Conisborough have been repaired and rolled with the steam roller. He had also said that a yard at the rear of 10 houses in new Conisborough had been asphalted throughout its whole width.

The Rural District Council on November 2, 1897, adopted a resolution, in regard to urban powers to enable the Council to put new streets and roads in Denaby and Conisborough in a proper condition. The main reason there was some hesitation in carrying out that work was on account of the application by the Parish Council for urban powers; it was felt by the Rural Council that they ought not to take any precipitate action in the matter. Practically the Rural Council had got urban powers to deal with Conisborough.

In answer to Mr Waugh the witness said he thought it would be better if the backyards of the houses were paid; that was one of the matters that would help to the sanitary improvement of the district. Asphalting would meet his views if it were continued.

Mr Wally asked if the witness knew that the application of the Rural Council for urban powers to enable them to deal with private streets was not pursued because the colliery company then memorialised against it.

Doctor Wilson replied that some message of that kind was convey to the meeting of the Rural Council. He did not know anything about the colliery company having sent round petitions.

Re-examined, Dr Wilson repeated that the cause of delay in the matter of the street was the action of the Conisborough Parish Council and apply for urban powers. In the meantime the Rural Council applied for similar powers in respect to Thurnscoe, and now the streets were actually being made.

No Evidence for Promoters

This closed the evidence for the appellants against the confirmation of the Order, and no witnesses were called for the promoters of the scheme. Mr Waugh said he was content with evidence as it stood. If there were any facts of which the Inspector was not in position, he was quite prepared to call evidence on those facts.

The Inspector said he could not think of a single fact that he had not already before him.

Mr Wedderburn said he desired to see three gentleman called by the other side, Holmes, Norwood and Ogley, because he thought it highly desirable that the Inspector would have reported a Local Government Board, would have to decide whether or not the Parish Council was to be closed with further powers, should see the personality of those who would have the power.

Mr Waugh replied that it was absolutely necessary, as there were no further facts that the Inspector required.

After lengthy argument ensued as to the order in which the parties should address the Inspector, Mr Waugh claiming that he was entitled to be heard last, as he had not called any evidence. The Inspector ruled that he would take the addresses of the advocates for the appellants last.