Mexbrough & Swinton Times, Aug 5, 1922
Wholesale Thefts.
12 Months for Conisborough Miner.
At Doncaster on Friday. William J Hand, miner, of Conisborough, was charged with a series of thefts at Conisborough and Denaby.
There were 12 charges against him, and on Hand expressing a desire to be dealt with summarily, four were heard, charge of shop breaking on which he had previously been remanded being reduced to larceny.
The four charges related to the theft of 25 pairs of boots valued at £10 from John William Cory, on July 13; hams, salmon, lobster and other goods to the value of £11 from William Parks on June 30; curtains, lamps, etc valued at £6 from the Denaby and District Rifle Club, between July 8 and 13; and tools valued at 10 shillings from the Great Central Railway between March 1 and July 28.
During the last months, said Inspector Holmes, there have been a series of robberies in the district, premises, having in some cases been broken open and entered. In respect to these charges against Hand, most of the goods stolen had been sold, and some have been found in his house, where the police also found fowls stolen from Barnburgh, laying eggs in the cellar.
Prisoner, who pleaded guilty to all four charges, said he had not been able to follow his employment, and could not see his wife and children starve.
Mr W Hinchcliffe (the presiding magistrate): It looks as if you have been fully employed.
Prisoner: iIt does, in a way of speaking Sir. If you will give me a bit of a chance tt is 12 years since I was up before, and then it was only for drunkenness.
Asked whether he had any of the convictions against him in addition to this one for drunkenness, prisoner replied: “I have one or two minor cases, that is all.”
His record, however, showed thathe hadserved previous terms of imprisonment, including one of eight months, and the Inspector stated that in connection with the charges before the court prisoner had given the police no assistance whatever.
He was sent to prison for 12 months – three months in respect of each of the four charges.