Dispute – Dispute Settled 5% Reduction

January 1879

January 10th 1879.

Settlement Of Denaby Main Dispute.

On Wednesday, we believe, a deputation from the miners waited upon Mr. Warburton, manager of the Denaby Main Colliery, in order to make some arrangements about commencing work again, and on Thursday ( yesterday ) morning another meeting of the men was held at the Mason´s Arms.

The deputation having reported the result of their interview with the manager (Mr. Warburton), the men agreed to go to work again, so it is now hoped that this unfortunate affair is at an end.

January 17th 1879.

Denaby Main.

As stated in our last issue work has been resumed at this colliery with extraordinary vigour. Since the recommencement the workmen have issued the following circular in acknowledgement for the support which they have received during the past months they have been on strike.

Another checkweighman has been appointed in the place of Mr. Marsland, whose name is Mr. Dixon.

” South Yorkshire Miners Association.”

Denaby Main Lodge.

To the Members of Lodges and Public generally :-

We regret we have to inform you that our dispute has come to an end by surrendering to a 5 % reduction and losing our checkweighman.

On Monday, January 6th 1879, our Council decided for us to take the course named, which was against our will, but the Council having taken away the little support they were giving us we were obliged to submit.

We thank you sincerely for the liberal support you have rendered us while protesting against a reduction in wages, also of fighting the battle of ” might against right” in which we have fallen victims.

Should you at any time be under trying circumstances an requiring assistance, we shall take it as a pleasure and feel it as a duty to render all the sympathy and support in our power.

Again thanking you for your assistance, we beg to remain, yours respectfully.

The Workmen Of The Denaby Main Colliery.