February 4th
Another Miners´ Meeting.
The Decision Of The Council.
On Wednesday morning another crowded meeting of the Denaby Main miners was held at the Mason´s Arms, the business being ” to receive the reports of the delegates who attended the Council meeting at Rotherham on Tuesday.”
The delegates reported that the Council decided, after the various questions at issue had been thoroughly discussed, ” that the Denaby Main men ask to be allowed to resume work upon the terms on which they were formerly employed, and, failing the adoption of this arrangement, that an offer be made to the masters to refer the points in dispute to arbitration.
It was understood that, should neither of these proposals be adopted the men would refuse to resume work. ( Cheers, and a Voice : ” That´s very satisfactory.”)
One of the delegates stated that Mr. Warburton was said to be willing to take all the `gates´ and `goafs´, as well as the `wooding´.
But it was thought advisable to give sanction to nothing at the Council meeting. They thought it would be a serious loss to the men if they gave up `packing´ and `wooding´. ( Hear, hear )
Taking the `packing´ all through the colliery, it came to a good bit of money. Even if two men were taken out of each working place, it was not thought that it would make up for the amount of money that the miners would forego. ( Hear, hear )
Mr. Warburton was sent to for a reply to the decision come to by the Council.
Although they waited a long time for the answer, it did not come. If it did not suit him, it was not to be wondered at that he did not reply. They would have to wait and learn what he had to say about it.
Another delegate informed them that the Council had decided to give support to the utmost until the dispute was settled. Whether they allowed them full union pay or half-pay they would do their utmost for them.
The Chairman said he should like, if they did start work, that they all go back together. ( Hear, hear ) – and he hoped no man would go down the pit until all did. ( Cheers )
A motion was put to the meeting, and carried, that no one return to work until a resolution is passed that all should go back.
Another Miner moved, and it was seconded, and agreed to, ” that the terms, so far as they were gone into at the Council meeting are satisfactory.”
A deputation consisting of two miners, was appointed to meet Mr. Chappell and the district delegates, who were expected to visit Denaby Main that day.
A resolution was also passed, ” that we are as firm as ever.”
A letter was read from Mr. Watson, Spring Lane Brewery, Sheffield, subscribing £2 towards the relief of the miners, and a vote of thanks having been passed to him, the meeting was adjourned.