February 11th
Settlement Of The Dispute.
The Miners To Start Work This Morning.
In the afternoon the miners assembled at the Mason´s Arms, to hear the report of the deputation who had been to interview the Manager. The room was again crowded, and it was apparent at the commencement of the proceedings that some pleasing intelligence had at last arrived.
On of the deputation said : According to the resolution passed this morning they waited upon Mr. Warburton at noon. He asked what they had come to talk about, and they replied that they had been authorised to see him.
They wished to return to work on the same conditions as those in force when they came out. He replied, ” Had that have been put to me before, you would have been at work long since. (Hear, hear ) As I told the deputation before, I am at all times very willing and glad to meet them when they are desirous to bring any grievance to an amicable settlement.” ( Hear, hear)
They told him that they wished to try and arrange things so that they could resume work just as they `knocked off´, and Mr. Warburton said,” You could have resumed work some days since providing things had been carried out properly.”
The question was put to him if the checkweighman could return also, and he said all might go back. ( Cheers )
When he objected that would be the time to say anything. He agreed that they all might return to their old places on the same terms as those on which they left, and those who were desirous of starting at once might sign their names that afternoon so as to be ready for work in the morning. (Loud Cheers)
They spoke to him about the application being made throughout the district for an advance of wages, and he replied that whatever advance other miners in the district received the Denaby Main men should have. (Renewed Cheers)
It was also hinted that a sliding scale had been agreed to at Manvers Main Colliery, and Mr. Warburton said he should be willing to do the same. ( Hear, hear, and cheers )
Now that there was a sign of their resuming work, he ( the speaker ), hoped all ill-feeling would be buried, and that for the future both masters and men might try to work amicably together, and so prevent such unpleasant disputes, as well as causing such misery to their families. ( Applause )
He also expressed a wish that, instead of the Lodge numbering only 300 members, the whole of the 800 or 900 men might join it. ( Hear, hear )
He spoke of the advantages to be derived by becoming members of the Union and asked what they could do without such a society. He concluded by speaking in flattering terms of the men employed in the Denaby Main mine, and was loudly cheered on resuming his seat.
A Miner : I propose that the terms offered by the Manager are satisfactory.
Another Miner : I will second that.
The motion was unanimously and heartily carried.
Votes of thanks were then cordially passed to those friends who had most generously contributed to the support of the men during the time the colliery had been closed ; to the reporters ( who it was thought had done much through the press to bring about the termination of the dispute ), as well as to the various deputations and the Chairman.
The meeting then broke up, the men expressing their desire to return to work at once. ? ? Add files Comments