February 18th
Meeting Of Denaby Main Miners
A “Scene” With Visitors.
A crowded meeting of Denaby Main miners was held in the Lodge room at the Miners´ Arms, Mexborough, on Tuesday night, to hear the report of the deputation appointed to see Mr. Warburton, the manager of the colliery, with respect to the returning of 5% which was conceded by the workmen some 12 months ago.
One of the deputation stated that the manager had expressed himself of the opinion that the time had come when the 5% should be returned, and said the men should have it. Before the deputation withdrew, Mr. Warburton said the men might expect the 5% next week. ( Cheers )
The meeting then took into consideration the question of the sliding-scale, a reference being made to the one adopted at Manvers Main Colliery. It was stated that Mr. Warburton was perfectly willing to agree to a sliding-scale being arranged for Denaby Main Colliery, but it was resolved that nothing be done on the matter until the result of the meeting at Sheffield between the colliery owners of South Yorkshire and the deputation for the various collieries was known.
A lively discussion was taking place with respect to the question of 10% advance of wages throughout the district, when it was announced that some miners from the Barnsley district desired to say a few words at the meeting, on being asked to state the object of the meeting ; the men referred to the various questions now before the district, making special reference to the three leaders, Messrs. Frith, Chappell, and Casey. They stated that they had just come from the Wombwell meeting and fully agreed with what had been said against Messrs. Chappell and Casey. They especially denounced the conduct of Mr. Chappell, observing that Mr. Frith had carried out the resolutions passed at Manchester to the letter.
This was a signal for an outburst of feeling on the part of the Denaby Main men, who demanded proof of the statement. There was great uproar, and it was feared that the Barnsley men would be violently treated.
The Chairman called several times for order, but in vain, and the visitors seeing the result of their statement, expressed regret at what they had said, and apologised.
An official of the Denaby Main Lodge said it was a shame that men should strive to create disorganisation amongst men who had just returned to work
( Cheers ) He would remind the Barnsley men that the Denaby Main Lodge was the largest and principal one in South Yorkshire, and the men belonging to it did not choose to be insulted. ( Cheers )
The men apologised, and were very ready to withdraw, which they were allowed to do.