Ejection Notices Issued
A crowded meeting of the Denaby Main miners was held yesterday at the lodge-room, Mexborough. The resolutions passed at a previous meeting, to the effect that the men do not return to work on the employers terms, was then confirmed.
It was stated that the pulley wheels at the colliery had revolved on two or three occasions during the morning, and some excitement was manifested, but good order soon prevailed again, and a resolution was passed unanimously that the men be urged to maintain the peaceable attitude which has characterized them throughout the struggle.
Several non-union men stated at the meeting that they would remain as firm as the unionists.
On Wednesday the following ejectment notices were delivered to the colliers residing in the company houses :-
“ I, William Henry Chambers, of Conisbrough, in the West Riding of the County of York, agent of the Denaby Main Colliery Company ( Limited ), owners of the tenements hereinafter described, hereby give you notice that unless peaceful possession of the tenement – consisting of a cottage, yard, and premises thereto belonging, in the township of Denaby in the said Riding, which was held of the said Denaby Main Colliery Company ( Limited ) under a tenancy from week to week, which was determined by the notice to quit from the said Denaby Main Colliery Company on the 29 th day of January 1885, and which tenement is now held for and detained from the said Denaby Main Colliery Company – be given to me, the agent, on or be- fore the expiration of seven clear days from the service of this notice, I shall on Monday, the 16 th day of March 1885, at 11 of the clock in the forenoon of the same day, at the Court-house in Rotherham, in the said Riding, apply To Her Majesty´s Justice of the Peace for the Petty Sessional division of Upper Strafforth and Tickhill, in petty sessions assembled, to issue their warrant directing the constables of the said division to enter and to take possession of the said tenement and to eject any person therefrom. “
Dated this Fourth day of March, 1885,
W.H. Chambers,
Agent of the Denaby Main Colliery Company ( Limited ).
The miners during last week collected £103 17s. 1d. towards the relief fund.