Excitement At Denaby
More new Workmen
At four o´clock on Monday morning the Denaby Main miners were astir. Some attempts were made by them to communicate with the new workmen, but the men from Cornwall seemed determined to remain in their present quarters, and made no signs to the expectant crowd. The big drum was brought into play on several occasions, but this invaluable factor in the previous operations connected with the luring away of strangers did not on Monday prove very effective. Shouts and groans of defiance was made by the miners who had surrounded the colliery on each side, but these proving useless the assembly dispersed.
The twelve Cornishmen who left the colliery yard on Sunday were escorted on Monday morning about half past nine o´clock to the Swinton , Midland station and sent back to Cornwall.
In the afternoon a large crowd assembled near the pit, they observed one or two of the Sheffielders employed at the pit, who, in answer to their appeals to come out of the colliery yard, laughed and jeered at them. The crowd became very enraged at this, and some very strong language was used.
One of the Cornishmen was seen, but he made no attempt to parley with the spectators on the opposite bank of the river. A large number of miners were seen to come from the cages.
One of the deputies, named Cyrus Schofield, was escorted to his home on Monday afternoon by a dozen policemen. The party was followed for quite a considerable distance by an angry crowd, and the police had some difficulty in protecting their charge from the fury of the mob.
The Denabyites are becoming very excited owing to their efforts to get the Cornishmen out of the pit having proved futile. The new workmen were to be heard on Monday dancing in the room which serves for a sleeping place for them, to the strains of a concertina possessed by one of the party. They apparently are determined to remain in their present quarters.
In answer to a telegram despatched from the Denaby Main lodge room to Redruth asking the miners not to work at Denaby Main on account of the strike
the following answer was received :-
” About seventy have come from here ; one hundred more ready. Reply at once how many have come.”
In reply, the miners´ officials inquired as to what time the seventy men were despatched, but no answer has been received.
The fillers express their willingness return to work on the old rates of wages. The colliers on the other hand, agree with the terms offered by their employers and, provided that the difficulty with the fillers is surmounted, an early return to work is expected.
More New Workmen.
The workmen at Denaby Main, who reside at Attercliffe, went home on Sunday night and returned on Monday morning at two o´clock, bringing two others back with them. A workman was observed with a bundle on Monday night, apparently bound for Denaby Main, but, owing to the vigilance of the spies, he departed by train from Mexborough for Sheffield.