The Rev. T.J. Leslie´s Work Continues
The Rev. T.J. Leslie still continues his work of feeding the families which have been evicted, and he says the distress amongst them seems to be on the increase, and help is greatly needed.
On Wednesday the rev. gentleman received :-
From a `Friend in Sheffield, per Mrs. Chambers – 5s.
I.O.B. Boiler Makers, Sheffield – 10s. 2d.
Mr. Phillfult, Bath – £1.
From Rotherham – £3.
A Friend, Solihull, Birmingham – 2s. 6d.
The Broomhill Temperance Society – £1 5s.
Derbyshire Miners, per Mr. Jervis – £5.
Charles Frank, London – £2.
Collected by Mr. Sleight, Scunthorpe – 5s. 6d.
And one hundred loaves of bread from Sheffield ; Mr. A. Clifton sent another box of fish from Grimsby, which was distributed during the day.
Bread was given out on Wednesday to four hundred and forty six families, containing two thousand two hundred and three persons.
The Rev. T.J. Leslie And Mr. J.B. Pope´s Charges
The Rev. T.J. Leslie addressed a crowd of the evicted men and women who had gone to him for relief on Saturday night. He said he was very sorry to have to say anything to the people about that unfortunate dispute, and he regretted exceedingly the Mr. J.B. Pope was introducing a most personal element into the discussions.
Mr. Pope had on several occasions charged him ( Rev. Leslie ) with untruthful-ness. The people all knew that his work amongst them had been solely one of charity, in relieving the poverty and distress surrounding him. He had hoped that this bitter strife would come to an end this week. ( Hear, hear )
As they knew, a deputation had waited upon Mr. Pope. When the deputation reached the colliery offices the Managing Director inquired what they wanted, and denied that they had been sent for. He ( Rev. Leslie ) in having spoken of the deputation being sent for, was charged with having made a statement, along with others, that was not founded on fact.
( A Voice : ” It was”)
The chairman of the lodge had told the men that Major Hammond had intimated that a deputation of the men was wanted at the colliery offices, and, after what had taken place, he considered it was very unseemly of Mr. Pope to take the course of action which he did. ( Hear, hear )
What was the treatment of the deputation ?
He ( Rev. Leslie ) saw the deputation before they started for the colliery, and he knew something of the spirit which actuated the members of it. They went to the colliery with a sincere desire to bring this very unpleasant strife to an end. ( Hear, hear )
Mr. Pope had used threatening language like this :-
” They intended to introduce first of all English labour, and if the men were successful in driving them away, they would introduce foreigners in such numbers that they would not be driven away. Arrangements were even being made abroad.”
Such was the spirit in which Mr. Pope met a reputable deputation from the miners of Denaby Main. ( Shame )
After alluding to the letter of Mr. Pope´s in the London Telegraph the Rev. Leslie said Mr. J. Buckingham Pope seemed utterly to ignore the very grave responsibility which attached to him in prolonging the bitter suffering and strife. He ( Mr. Pope ) was now to be greatly blamed for prolonging the struggle, and for the suffering and misery through which the people were passing. ( Cheers )
Mr. Pope was supposed to be a gentleman occupying a high social position, and one who had had great educational advantages ; but if Mr. Pope charged him ( Rev. Leslie ) with telling an untruth in simply making the statement which he had done, he threw back the insinuation into his face, and would tell him he was altogether untruthful. The work he ( Rev. Leslie ) had been carrying on was with a view of relieving the distress and suffering – ( Cheers ) – and if Mr. Pope could be in his position and hear, day after day, such tales of suffering, he would, perhaps, soon alter his present view. ( Cheers )
If there should be no settlement of the difficulty, he trusted that the men would cultivate a quiet spirit, and strive bravely and manfully to obtain their rights by using only legitimate means. ( Cheers )
But he was even yet trusting that an amicable settlement would be come to. ( Cheers )
The Distress.
The Rev. T.J. Leslie continues to distribute bread to the evicted people, and during last week relieved on average two thousand five hundred and eighty persons daily.
On Saturday he received from :-
Mrs. Alice Scatchard, of Leeds – £12.
Mr. H. Emerson, Rotherham – 10s.
A `Friend´, London – £1.
Mr. E.T. Spicer, London – 5s.
Mrs. Salt, Wetherby – 2s. 6d.
Three persons at Whitstable ( `E.F.´ ` J.F.G.´ ` J.H.´ ) – 2s. 6d.
Mr. Joseph Gurney, ex-Mayor of Northampton – 10s.
H.J. Wilson, of Sheffield – £5.
The Denaby Main miners last week collected the sum of £116 2s. 2d.