Interfering with A New Workman
On Monday night a man who had been working at Denaby Main colliery was followed by a crowd of some hundreds of persons, who jeered and hooted him as he made his way along the streets of Mexborough. He managed to escape to his home without being further molested.
Threatened Collapse Of Negotiations
A meeting of Denaby Main miners was held on Wednesday morning in the lodge-room of the Mason´s Arms, Mexborough. Mr. Hatton in the chair.
The Chairman stated that since the last meeting the manager of the colliery had sent for a deputation. A member of that deputation gave his report of what had transpired at the meeting with Mr. Chambers. A Miner proposed, and it was seconded, that the meeting adjourn for a month.
The Chairman thought it was not wise for the deputation to keep running after the manager day after day unless he had something definite to lay before them. Their wisest plan would be to ask the manager, when next he sought a deputation to wait on him, to send his proposals to the men. They were not frightened because the pit was going to be set down ; it had been as good as set down for twenty-one weeks, and the men would stand a bit longer yet. The resolution to submit to arbitration and to offer a reduction of 10%, was confirmed unanimously, and the meeting then ended.
A meeting of the men was held yesterday ( Friday ), but there appears to be no change in the situation.
The total income of the miners last week realised £83 3s.