Dispute – June 5th – Decision to close Pit

June 1885

June 5 th 1885

The Denaby Main Dispute
Decision to Close Pit

The decision of the directors of the Denaby Main colliery to close the pit, with the exception of a portion of one of the districts, has caused uneasiness among the trades-people of Mexborough.

The miners and others connected with the colliery received the sum of £1,400 weekly in wages, and as most of this money was expended in and about the town of Mexborough, this stoppage of the colliery will be a heavy blow to the district.

Already more than £30,000 has been lost in wages by the men, while on the other hand the proprietors of the colliery must have sunk a great deal of money during the struggle.

It is anticipated that a large number of the men will obtain employment when other collieries in the district have fairly resumed work. The decision of the directors to allow the deputies to remain at work is looked on by the majority of the men as a sign that the colliery will not be closed for any length of time.

The proposals by the men a fortnight ago through Mr. Benjamin Pickard have not yet been replied to by the company as far as can be ascertained.

It has been stated that the men will receive £1 per week from strike and other funds while the struggle lasts, but this needs confirmation.