July 10th 1885.
The Denaby Main Dispute.
Arrival Of More Staffordshire Men.
Retirement Of Peter Hatton.
On Friday, about five o´clock, between forty and fifty miners from North Staffordshire arrived at Mexborough station, and were forwarded to Denaby Main colliery per special train. The train was backed into the Denaby Main sidings, and the men were observed walking about the colliery premises shortly afterwards.
There are now upwards of one hundred men at the colliery, as there were forty at work on Thursday, exclusive of deputies. Some of the workmen have been working double shifts during the past few days, and a quantity of coal has been drawn from the pit. It is stated that the whole of the men are employed double shifts. The new arrivals are to receive 5s. per day of eight hours, and 10s. is to be deducted from their wages for food and lodging.
The whole of the company´s cottages on both sides of the Doncaster Road have been put into a thorough state of repair for the reception of those who are working at the colliery. It is stated that some of the company´s old workmen have been employed, although this statement is discredited by the men on strike.
It is thought by many that the dispute would soon be ended, and the strike hands would return to work, if the company would consent to meet the deputation appointed by the men. The terms offered to the company are 5s. 6d. per day for colliers and 4s. 6d. for fillers.
Mr. Chambers, the manager, has offered the miners 5s. per shift, and it is thought a compromise might be easily effected were the negotiations to be resumed.
As soon as the evicted miners learnt that there was a fresh draft of workmen at the colliery a move was made in the direction of Denaby Main. The police who were present succeeded in keeping order, and the general demeanour of the men was quiet.
It is stated that other workmen have arrived and that among the men who are now working at Denaby Main are several miners who visited the colliery a few days ago and departed. The officials at the colliery are confident that the men who arrived on Friday will remain.
An interview took place between some of the Denaby Main miners and the new arrivals later on, and a number of the latter promised to leave on Saturday morning. Some of the Staffordshire men stated that previous to their leaving home they were unacquainted with the exact position of affairs at Denaby Main.
Various rumours were current on Friday respecting the chairman of the lodge
( Peter Hatton ).
One statement, which gained credence, was to the effect that Mr. Hatton had retired from the chairmanship of the miners´ lodge. The statement is correct.