The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Soup Kitchen for Mexboro’

August 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times – Friday August 8, 1902

Soup Kitchen for Mexboro’

It is to establish a soup kitchen at Mexboro to provide meals for those children who are affected by the strike. A suggestion to this effect was conveyed to a joint meeting of the committees of the Denaby and Cadeby branches of the Yorkshire Miners Association.

It was also reported that the sum of 13s. 7d. had been collected at the Plant Hotel, and that a similar sum had been gathered at the Park Hotel. A desire was expressed be some of those who were responsible for the collections that the fund be a separate one for the provision of food to the children. Smith Only. In accordance with this view, Mr. F. Croft, 50, Schofield street, Mexboro’ was appointed to act as treasurer, and Mr. John Nolan. 8, George Place, Herbert street, Mexboro’, as secretary.

Subscriptions sent to either for the children’ soup kitchen will be acknowledged and used for that purpose. See the licence holders have intimated their willingness to subscribe to such a fund.