Marconigrams – May 8th 1931

May 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 01 May 1931


“Council Sunday” will be observed al Mexborough and Swinton next Sunday.

The annual brew of beer, which takes six weeks, started at Hickleton Hall on Wednesday.

“I am sick and tired of tinkering with the coal industry.'”—Mr. E. Shinwell, M.P., Minister of Mines, speaking at Wath.

“Twelfth Night” is to be performed by the sixth form of the Mexborough Secondary School on May 19.

The German airship Graf Zeppelin is to undertake a flight to the North Pole this summer, probably in July.

Minimum coal prices, in the Amalgamated Midland District, have been advanced by sums ranging from 1s. to 2s. 6d. a ton.

The March coal trade return in Yorkshire was the worst for many months, owing to the early exhaustion of the permitted quota of output.

The Governors of the Mexborough Secondary School are dubious of the desirability of changing the title of the school to “Grammar School.”

Mr. W. A. Lewis, chairman of the management committee of the Montagu Hospital, has been appointed to the Council of the British Hospitals Association.

Those who wish to the Arts League of Service performance in the Church Hall, Swinton, on May 21st, are advised to book at once; not many seats are left.

Mrs. P. B. Nicolson of Wath, haft been appointed a member of the Court of Referees. Barnsley, under the Ministry of Labour Employment Insurance Act.

“You were expecting more, weren’t you?” said the chairman of the county bench at Doncaster to a street “bookie” whom he fined £7 10s. “Yes,” was the reply, “I expected £10.”

At Barnsley Police Court on Wednesday: Solicitor: And what part did you play in the fray? Witness: I threw some sugar on him. The Chairman (Mr. T. Norton): Just to sweeten him, I suppose.

Mexborough is having two gala Saturdays in succession. Last Saturday it was the visit of the Yorkshire fire brigades; to-morrow it will be the annual Hospital “Rag,” which is going to be the spectacle of the century and the scream of the age.