Urban Powers – 09 Mr J.E. Platts – The Discharged Soldiers

November 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 29, 1919

Mr J.E.Platts

The Discharged Soldiers

Mrs Joseph Edward Platts, of Conisbrough, a foundryman, said he had served in the Army three years and eight months, and was there to represent the Conisbrough branch of the National Federation of Discharged and Demobilised Sailors and Soldiers who supported the application.

This branch, and the Conisbrough and Denaby branch of the comrades of the Great War, had both passed resolutions in favour of the application. (Mr Neal read these resolutions and handed them in.)

Mr Neal: You men have been relying on statements that every effort would be made to improve the condition of your life? – Yes.

Mr Jardine: The Colliery Company is a strong supporter of your organisation? – No not.

It is giving you a clubhouse, has it not? – No

Are you the Comrades of the Great War? – No, the National Federation.

Oh, it is the Comrades of the Great War that the Colliery Company has done so much for. It has given £1000 a year for five years, and the club out to the local branch?- The Colliery Company, if you don´t mind me telling you, wrote to me saying that there was no need for two clubs.

Mr Jardine: that I can quite believe.