Dispute – Dispute Settled for 5% – Another Dispute

December 1878

December 13th 1878.

Another Dispute At Denaby Main

We understand that the men at the above colliery have again ceased work. It appears that after the last dispute had been settled the miners went to their work on the 5th inst., but their checkweighman was objected to by the manager.

A deputation waited on the manager the following day, and, according to the men´s statement, he agreed for the checkweighman to go to his work again, and he did so.

On Monday however, the manager came to the pit hill and told Marsland, the checkweighman, that he was not to go on the premises again. As the result of this action the part of the manager the men all ceased work on Wednesday.

It is to be regretted that an eruption should so soon have taken place between the masters and men at this colliery, but we trust that the breach will soon beremedied. The men one and all appear highly indignant at the treatment of their checkweighman ( Mr. Marsland ), for whom they hold the greatest respect, he having worked for them over nine years. The men state that no work will be resumed until he is reinstated.

The following circular was issued by the committee on Wednesday last :-


” We are sorry that we have to appeal to you again in so short a time, as our dispute was settled by the men submitting to a 5 % reduction, with the understanding that every man went to his own place of work again.


On Thursday, the 5th instant, we went to re-engage, and when our checkweighman went he was objected to, so a deputation saw the manager the following morning and he agreed with them that the checkweighman should go to his work as usual, which he did, and on Monday, the 9th instant, the manager went on to the pit hill and told the checkweighman that he must not come on the premises any more.


Our checkweighman has been in our employ since September 1869. He has always attended to his work, served us as a class of men honourably and faithfully as a servant. He has never violated any of the rules, or impeded the working of the colliery, and for what reason our manage or the company have for taking this undue advantage of him we are at a loss to know.


We think you will agree with us for taking the course we have done as a matter of principle, viz. :- Shall we allow the manager to go on to the pit hill and discharge our checkweighman at a minutes notice for no cause whatever, which is contrary to an Act of Parliament. Now we feel confident, if thing is allowed, there is no telling where it will end.

We feel sure that you will sympathise with us under these trying circumstances to he best of your ability, until right against might is obtained.”

The Committee.


The Renewal Of The Denaby Main Strike

Important Explanations Of The Men´s Officials.

( By our Barnsley Correspondent ).

Barnsley, Thursday – Much surprise has been expressed by the renewal of the dispute at the Denaby Main Colliery, where the men resumed work but a few days ago at a reduction of 5 %.


All the old hands were to have their own places. The manager however, has discharged the men´s checkweighman, and the result is that all the men have refused to work, and the colliery is again set down.

The officials of the South Yorkshire Miners´ Union, and the deputation who settled the dispute, supply the following statement to our Barnsley correspondent :-

Mr. Chappell ( Agent ), Mr. G. Chags ( Chairman ), Mr. David Moulson ( Ex – President ), together with other members of the Union and workmen employed at Denaby Main were present when the arrangements were made for work to be resumed at a reduction of 5 %, and they state they were entirely at a loss to understand why Mr. Warburton, the Certified Manager, should so soon, after an arrangement had been arrived at disturb it by wishing to victimize the checkweighman.

One of the last things that passed between him and those ofthe deputation was, as is usually the custom in the settlement of such disputes, an arrangement that every man should be allowed should be allowed to go to his own working place, Mr. Warburton stated that he had no objection whatever to this arrangement, there was no man against whom he had any feeling of animosity, except one, who was engaged as a trammer, an excitable character who had caused disturbances at the place on several occasions. There were other charges which the manager said he had against him, and therefore wished to tell those of the deputation at once that this man would not be again employed at the colliery. Ultimately Mr. Warburton agreed and allowed the man to commence work but said he would deal with him afterwards.

The deputation state they are extremely sorry to learn by the medium of the daily papers, and the branch officials, that the manager is wishing to discharge the men´s checkweighman and take one in his place of his own suggestion.


They wish it further to be stated that if such is to be the fickle character of arrangements fairly and solemnly entered into between gentlemen who represent the owners of such an important colliery, and who stand so high in the estimation of mining engineers, and the opinions of the most intelligent of the Miners´ Committee to settle the dispute, they are at a loss to know where such proceedings may terminate.