Conisbrough Warship Week

December 1941

South Yorkshire Times December 13, 1941

Conisbrough Warship week.
Over £26,000 Still Required.

Warship Week in the Conisbrough and Denaby area received a splendid sendoff last Saturday, when it was stated at the official opening ceremony at the Denaby Main Council Officers that the sum of £43,300 had already been promised towards the objective of £70,000 for the purchase of Motor Torpedo Boat Number 215.
Latest available figure issued yesterday indicated that the total invested had reached  £43,812. It is up to the people of the Urban District to see that the balance required to attain the target is forthcoming. The Organising Committee, who are certainly done all in their power, and was anxious that the town should not fall short of its contract.

“Scraps of Paper .”

Councillor David Sheldon, who presided, emphasised that the figures  announced were only promises and urged the audience  not to feel disappointed and disillusioned if the figures registered by the indicators did not immediately equal the total he had mentioned.  He had no doubt that the promises would be fulfilled, but it might be  the end of the week before some of the amounts were actually invested,  and until that was done the  amounts could not be registered  on the indicators.

Councillor Sheldon said that the last war, have been caused by a scrap of paper,  and  in his opinion this war would be won by scraps of paper in the form of  Savings Certificates.
If only did their share and remembered the slogan that, “it all depends on me,” there would be no doubt as to the result of the Warship Week effort.

The chief speaker was  Rear Admiral Sir Thomas  Spence Lyne,  K.C.V.O, , C.B., D.S.O., Chief Welfare Officer  for the Manvers Main Collieries Ltd , who said he was very conscious of the honour  done to him in inviting him  to inaugurate the  Conisbrough Warship Week .

He said that he had spent his life at sea and recalled that in his younger days  his first command  was in such a ship as they were now hoping  to provide for the Navy namely a torpedo boat.
He pointed out that the Navy carried our destiny  in its hands. He said that seagoing activities formed the very life blood of our nation, and many were the heroic deeds of the men who served in our ships

You can search the world through, “he added , “but nowhere can be found men of tougher courage or stout heart than the men of the Fleet .” Looking into the future, Adml line visualiser some form of of international education might come into being which would be an important factor in the preservation of everlasting peace among nations.

“Let the result of your warship week,” he concluded , “be a message to our sailors that we are doing  all we can to bring victory to our country , and peace, comfort and happiness to our homes.”

Good Augury

Mr W.E.Jones said that the figures given by the chairman showed that the Warship Weak effort had opened well, and if it could be kept up the result would be ensured. Saving was a very important aspect of the war effort and we should all put in 100% effort to beat Hitler in the shortest possible time.Uuntil Nazism was completely and finally destroyed we could not pursue our various ideals.

He stated that before the war Germany was spending 12 shillings of every pound of their national income on instruments of war, and now the proportion was much greater. We therefore had big burdens to face and it was only by continued effort that victory would be assured. Aetters do all do our best artwork because every person who was assisting production was assisting in the destruction of a Hitler-ism, and when we had earned our wages. We should save and help to provide the Navy, Army and air force with the equipment they needed.
Mr Jones mentioned that the Yorkshire Miners Association had already lent over £400,000 to the Government, and they will continue to lend. He said that if each miner in the Yorkshire coalfield saved 2s 10d (14p) each week £1 million would have been saved during a year.

L.C.Hodges said that it was the duty of everyone to help to make the warship week a success. We have started the war behind scratch and we had to catch up now.

Collieries Gesture.

Councillor Ben Roberts, J.P., who read messes years of good wishes which are received from Sir Kingsley Ward, Mr A.B.Alexander, congratulated the Amalgamated Denaby Collieries on their magnificent gesture, and said that it was up to all of us to see that our men in the Forces had the tools to do their jobs. Referring to the wager between himself and the chairman of the Ince urban Council, counsel Robert asked the people of Conisbrough and Denaby to make sure that he did not lose a hat.
Moving a vote of thanks to the speakers are all well to make in the demonstration a success, Cllr Frank Kelso all said that the Navy would never letters down and he ought that Conisbrough and Denaby would not let the Navy down. Seconding, Mr E. Dabbs pointed out that Conisbrough at saved £180,000 since the start of the war savings campaign in November 1939 and if the present objective was achieved the figure would be a quarter of 1 million

Naval Exhibition.

Investments announced as promised by the chairman, Cllr D Sheldon at the official opening including the following:

Amalgamated Denaby Collieries £20,000 (interest-free)
National Provincial Bank £5000.
Midland Bank £5000.
But Co £5000.
Sheffield Trustee Savings Bank £2000.
In Denaby Main Industrial Corporative Society £2000.
New Denaby And Cadeby Officials Mutual Benefit Society £1200.
Doncaster Corporative Society, £1000.
Denaby and Cadeby Mutual Help Fund £700 (Free Of Interest)
Duncan Gilmore Ltd £500.
Denaby Main Institute £200.
Conisbrough British Legion £100.
Denaby and Cadeby Officials Club £100.
And a Private Investment Of £500.

Total £43,300.

Selling centre

The selling centre, which has been open throughout the week in Church Street and which is staffed by members of the staff of the Sheffield Trustee Savings Bank, was officially opened on Saturday morning by Miss G.E.Packwood and Miss M.A.Brown, who were introduced by councillor David Sheldon.

Miss Packwood said. Conisbrough could not hope to replace the Ark Royal, but if everybody pulled together the MTB could be assured. Mr Brown said that we should all do our bit to help our boys in the Navy.

Open days.

On Wednesday all the Jr and infant school in the area had an update, and parents and friends attended the schools.
At the Balby Street school the hall was crowded and a sketch “10 Little Sailor Boys,” given by the infants together with a naval pageant. “The March of time” by the juniors were much appreciated.
Mr I.K.Hetherington, headteacher of the junior school introduced. Cllr D Sheldon, chairman of the local Service Committee, and said that the junior hadt set a target of 300 savings certificates for their Warship Week effort and 270 had already been obtained, while the infants aimed at 80 certificates and had secured 69.
Councillor Sheldon said that the schools effort reflected credit upon children, teachers and parents. A book prize was presented to Denny Havenhand for the best poem on warship week by Mr J.A.Rawding, who also presented prizes, consisting of Saving Stamps to the following for their efforts in drawing up a nautical Christmas Card.

Peggy Gibson, Betty Marley, Gordon Waddington, Roy Bibby, Jack Durant, Eric Price, Billy Pearson, Irene Corker, John Shaw, Cyril Worsley, Yvonne Adams, Frank Brandreth, Robert Willis, Colin Dixon, John Holmes, Rita Commer and June Hoult.

Philippe Ackroyd, John Bentham, Margaret cousins, Leslie Davis, Bobby Adams, Maureen Brandreth, Frances Whitaker, John Kelly, Barbara Perry, Ethel Shaw , John Silvertsen and Geoffrey Jackson.
Progress of challenge.
The Warship Week challenge between Conisbrough and Ince (Lancs) has so far been one-sided. Ince, a rather bigger town than Conisbrough, started with over £30,000 on the first day, and by the middle of the week raised over 79,000