Death of Well-known Tradesman – Loss to Denaby. (picture)

January 1925

Mexborough & Swinton Times, January 17th, 1925.

Loss to Denaby.
Death of Well-knownTradesman.
Mr. H. Dutton.

DuttonBy the death of Mr. Herbert Dutton, of 93, Doncaster Road, Denaby loses a popular and well-known tradesman. Mr. Dutton died on Monday afternoon about 1.30 from heart trouble. He had been ill for few days and as a matter of fact was about as recently as last Friday.

A native of Denaby Mr Dutton commence business there as a butcher 19 years ago, having been apprenticed to the late Mr Alfred Rayner of Mexborough. You’re formerly a member of the Doncaster Rural District Council and Board of Guardians on which bodies he sat for a number of years. He was a member of the Parish Council which obtained urban powers for the area, home was one of the first members of the Conisbrough U.D.C.which was formed in 1921. He was defeated however at the election of 1923. The late Mr Dutton was a school manager and an overseer

Throughout his life he took a keen interest in sport and was a keen follower of the fortunes of both the cricket and football teams, to which he was a generous subscribe. Your former president of the butchers Association Mexborough and during the war controller of meat supplies under the Ministry of Food for the enemy, Conisbrough and Bamburgh

He leaves a widow and two children aged 12 and 15

At a meeting of the committee of the Denaby United Football Club on Tuesday evening a vote of condolances with the relatives was passed

The funeral take place at Mexborough Cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 230Reference to the death of Mr Dutton was made by Chairman (Mr A.E.Berry) at the meeting of the Conisbrough Urban District Council on Wednesday. It came as a great shock to him, he said, I must have been the same with them all. They could not refrain from mentioning the good work that he did while he was on the Council

for many years before that he was on the old parish council and he had rendered public service since as an overseer. He was one of those jocular sort of individuals with a nature that seemed to radiate cheerfulness stop he would be badly missed.