Mexborough and Swinton Times January 11, 1895
Conisborough Parish Council
The Order of Business
Notice of Motion
Burial Board
The Consecration Question
An adjourned meeting of the above Parish Council was held last night at the Conisborough Board School, Mr S Whitfield presiding. Councillors Norwood, Ogley, Gillett, Robinson, Sharp, Jones, Marsh, senior, Booth and Taylor were also present.
Council Holmes not having been present at the previous meeting of the council now signed a declaration of membership.
The Order of Business
The Chairman said that it did not appear to him possible for the Council to transact any further business. According to the Act three days clear notice of the meeting must be given and the business to be transacted must be stated on the agenda. All they could do was to call upon the gentleman who moved the adjournment of the previous meeting to state what business he had to bring forward, and they can’t call upon him because he was not present. (Laughter)
Councillor Sharp: Then it appears to me that we can all go home again
The Chairman: No I think that is rather premature. If the meeting had not been adjourned when it was I had some business to give notice of. I intended to give notice that we purchase a safe.
Councillor Senior: Well Mr Chairman, to give the business a start I will move that we purchase a safe.
The Chairman: You cannot do that without giving notice
Councillor Sharp: if Mr Senior cannot move that why did you want to do it last week?
The Chairman: I did not intend to do it last week. I intended to give notice, that is all
Councillor Sharp: That is a confirmation of what I have always said. I contend that if you could have given notice to do anything at this meeting is quite in order for us to carry it out now.
The Chairman: I did not intend to move it at the last meeting, only to give notice. This is an adjourned meeting and the continuation of last meeting
Councillor Sharp: You wanted to move it at the last meeting
The Chairman: I did not intend to move it at the last meeting
Councillor Sharp: I beg your pardon, you did
The Chairman: Have it your own way then (laughter)
Councillor Gill it: The Burial Board has a safe. If we are taking over their affairs we can use that
The Chairman: Yes, that is quite true, but you are out of order in discussing it.
Councillor Sharp: Will you kindly tell is what is in order
The Chairman: If you don’t know I shall have to tell you
Councillor Sharp: Very well, tell us. You are the Oracle (laughter)
Councillor Holmes: Is it the Act you’re giving us sir or only your own opinion
The Chairman: the Act says that three days notice must be given of every meeting and the business must be specified on the agenda
Councillor Sharp: Will you give us the agenda?
The Chairman: Do you dispute it?
Councillor Sharp: Yes I do
The Chairman: Then I shall have to find it for you
Counselling Gillott: If there is no business to do it is no good being here
Councillor Sharp: We may as well go on and put our hand in our pockets (laughter)
The Chairman: Very true (laughter)
The Chairman then read section 148 of the Act which states that three clear day’s notice must be given of each meeting and the notice must specify the business to be transacted at that meeting
Councillor Marsh: I submit that all that was carried out at last meeting was out of order
The Chairman: That was allowed for by the Act
Councillor Norwood: There were printed instruction from the Local Government Board stating that so much must be carried out
The Clerk: that is so
Notice of Motion
The Chairman give notice that at the next meeting he would move for the appointment of a committee to draw up standing orders, for the appointment of the committee for burial purposes, for instructions to the clerk to procure is the necessary stationery, for a precept for such amount as a Council think proper, for a committed to be formed to enquire into the Conisborough charities, for an assessment committee to enquire into the rating of the Parish
Councillor Holmes gave notice to move for a committee to enquire into the water supply of Conisborough
Councillor Sharp gave notice to move the Chairman called a parish meeting for the adoption of the adoptive acts.
On behalf of Mr Casey notice was given to move that the council petition the Postmaster general for a letterbox to be placed at Burcroft.
Councillor Booth: does petitioning come with in our province?
Chairman: Yes, any sort of agitation (laughter)
Appointment of Committees
Councillor Sharp contended in opposition to the chairman’s ruling that it was quite competent the present meeting to appoint a committee, and he moved that a standing orders committee be appointed
Councillor Norwood seconded because this was a continuation of the first meeting and it was quite competent for a first meeting to elect committees.
The chairman decided to admit the motion which was forthwith carried and the committees appointed consist of Councillors Sharp, Norwood, Holmes, Booth, Marsh and the Chairman.
Councillor Norwood then moved that the Burial Board Committee consisted of the whole council. Councillor Ogley seconded and Councillor Sharp supported the proposal which was carried unanimously.
The State of the Roads and Footpaths
Councillor Norwood called attention to the condition of the roads and footpaths in Conisborough and moved that the clerk write to the clerk of the highway board with regard to the same. He said that the state of the roads on the hills particular was disgraceful, and they were not fit either for a man or a horse to travel on (here, here)
There was not another public place in all the Doncaster Highway district in which the roads were so difficult at the best of times as they were in Conisbrough, and he said the least the highway board should do was to put sand or ashes over the slippery places
Council Booth said Mr Norwood was a member of the Rural District Council and they had control of this matter
Councillor Norwood said the District Council had not yet taken over the Highway Board
Councillor Sharp asked Mr Norwood to embody in his resolution a paragraph calling attention to the continued disgraceful state of the footpaths, and particularly instanced the path leading to Conisbrough Station which was positively dangerous and ought to be repaired
Councillor Booth: What about the places where there are no footpath?
Councillor Sharp: There never will be any while matters remain as they are. We want to form ourselves into an Urban District Council and then we can govern our own affairs (Hear hear). We shall never get anything done while we are paying rates for other parishes to spend. (Hear, hear) The attention of the Rural Sanitary authority been long called to it but they are so wooden headed they do nothing and they take no notice. (Laughter) I hope the reporter will kindly notice a particular remark about the wooden headedness . (Laughter)
Councillor Holmes: I think we have not been without wooden heads in Conisbrough, or we would have gone in for a Local Board when we had the chance (Hear, hear)
Burial Board Committee
The council then resolved itself into committee form Burial Board business and decided to admit the public to all meetings of the Committee.
The Chairman intimated that the first business was to consider the position of the servant of the Burial Board, that referred to Mr Maxwell and the caretaker. The caretaker they need not interfere with but they would have to deal with Mr Maxfield. Mr Maxfield then referred the members to the 81st section of the Act, which states that where the powers and duties of any authorities other than justices when transferred by the Act to the Parish Council, the officers of that authority should become the officers of that Council.
Councillor Booth: I suppose we could give an officer notice?
The Chairman: Of course, what is your agreement with the Burial Board, Mr Maxfield?
Mr Maxfield: Three months notice
Councillor Norwood said that he was prepared to propose that Mr Maxfield continue as the Burial Board Clerk at all events for the present
Councillor Holmes said he was of the same opinion but thought that Mr Maxfield should continue to be clerk as long as they like to continue. He seconded of the resolution.
Councillor Booth begged to differ. He could not see that there was any need to separate the work of Clerk to the council and clerk to the Burial Committee. He thought Mr Maxfield already had plenty to do, and Mr Hawksworth had not. It was nothing for two, but it might make a good thing for one. That was a little bit of Union principle he thought. Union men did not believe in black sheeping. They reckon they like to see one month stick to his own work. He moved that notice be given to Mr Maxfield
Councillor John seconded, remarking that it was only fair to let Mr Hawksworth do the work as he had agreed to do the work of the Council for three months for nothing
Councillor Holmes: Then if that is so I object as a Trade Unionist. I don’t believe in a man working for nothing.
Councillor Booth: No, unionists never do unless it is something they want doing for nothing.
The Chairman: Gentlemen, you must stop talking in this strain. I must rule these remarks out of order.
Councillor Booth: What remarks!
The Chairman: About union, keep it out of the discussion
Councillor Sharp: I must admit a mild protest to your ruling, that a reference to Unionist principles is out of order
The Chairman: it doesn’t conduce to order to discuss such a matter.
Councillor Sharp: That is a matter of opinion. You have no right as chairman of this meeting to dictate to us the form of speech we shall use.
The Chairman: I don’t desire to dictate to anybody. Only I heard Mr Booth make a reference to unionism and Mr Holmes appeared to take umbrage at what was said. Such remarks are best left unsaid
Councillor Sharp: that maybe so, but I object to your presuming to tell the Council how they shall address one another
The Chairman: I rule you out of order Mr Sharp. You must sit down.
Councillor Sharp: And I rule but I am not out of all, and I declined sit down. Will you give me the keynote upon which we are to tune our speeches?
The Chairman: Anything for harmony and progress and quiet
Councillor Sharp: Very good. Then while I am on my feet let me support the resolution that Mr Maxfield services be continue. I agree in principle that it is not necessary for Council to appoint two clerks, but I agree with the arrangement, seeing that it is a matter of expediency.
A division was taken, and Mr Max who was appointed by seven votes to 3. The resolution was afterwards put as a substantive motion, and carried unanimously
Nine grants of right were ordered to be signed, and cheques for £16 were passed.
Councillor Sharp: Are there any funds? No, the Burial Board account is overdrawn to the extent of £103, but there is a precept for £160 now due.
The Consecration Question
a letter received from the Archbishop of October 15 and which has previously been published, was read, in which Is Grace stated that he will advise he could obtain a mandamus compellingly Burial Board to build a second chapel in the cemetery. He was, however, unwilling to take this course, and suggested as a compromise, that the present chapel be enlarged and divided, and a separate entrance provided for the consecrated portion.
Councillor Holmes in view of the importance of the letter, moved that the consideration of it the adjourned until the next meeting. They are already been there a considerable time, and it was impossible to deal with it so late in the sitting
Councillor Ogley seconded
Mr Gillott moved, as an amendment that the present Chapel be extended as suggested by the Archbishop, and a separate entrance be provided.
Councillor Norwood seconded.
The Chairman said he could hardly take Mr Gillett’s resolution as an amendment Mr Holmes.
Councillor Booth: As that amendment is out of order, I will move that we proceed with the business of the committee. We only met at 7 o’clock, and it is not quite nine yet. If we are only going to sit two hours at a time we are going to have a good many meetings, I am afraid.
Councillor Jones seconded.
Councillor Sharp moved “That this council cannot see its way to authorise any further expense on account of the Cemetery or permit any interference with the property of the ratepayers, the present Cemetery building being sufficient for all requirements.” (Here, here)
The Chairman rule the motion out of order. That could not be dealt with until it was decided whether the business be proceeded with
The question was then put and the vote was equal five aside. The Chairman gave his casting bought in favour of the consideration of the letter being deferred
This concluded the meeting.