Inquest on Denaby Miner – Old injury did not cause death

February 1945

Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 17

Old injury did not cause death
Inquest on Denaby Miner

The Doncaster District coroner (Mr. W. H. Carlile). Recorded a verdict of natural causes at an inquest at the Fullerton hospital on Saturday on Arther Horner. (64). collier of 26 Sprotborough Street, Denaby who died two days previously.

Reference was made to an accident in Denaby Main colliery 11 years ago, since which Horner has not worked, having lost the use of his arm, but medical evidence was that the accident had no bearing on the illness which caused his death.

The widow, Sarah Emily had Horner said her husband last worked on December 19, 1933, when he had an accident at the pit, after the accident in which his left shoulder was dislocated he lost the use of his left arm and had not worked since.

He was subject to fits after the accident but never before. Since November he had been under constant medical care. Dr Peter Milligan pathologist of Doncaster, who conducted a post-mortem examination, said there was a small healed scar on the top of the left shoulder but no deformity and the movements were free. Death was caused by heart failure due to mediastinitis, due probably to old rheumatic pericarditis.

Witness could not see any possible relation whether between the accident and the cause of death, movement of the arm was free after death he could not say whether it would be free during life. It was just a coincidence that Horner had not worked since the accident. The disease was not one which could be caused by injury.