Conisborough UDC – Amalgamation – Old Denaby’s Change – Direct Labour Housing

March 1935

South Yorkshire Times March 15, 1935

Conisborough Urban District Council
Old Denaby’s Change of Front
Housing by Direct Labour

Finance, the 40 hour week, housing by direct labour or contract, and amalgamation was the principal subject under consideration by the Conisborough Urban Council, live a long sitting in their monthly meeting on Wednesday. In absence of the chairman and vice-chairman Mr Harry Gomersall was elected to the chair.

Not So rosy
Mr J.I.Webster said there seemed to be an impression abroad that the Council was in an exceedingly healthy position financially. He was not satisfied that the Council in such a good position as it was made out to be. There was said to have underspent estimates to the extent of £1137, but they had not spent on roads £1685 which they should have spent.
What was going to happen when they had to put the road in order?

The final figure for last year shows that they overspend their estimates by £291. Mr Troughton has said that the council had £10,000 in the bank. He had not said that they had passed accounts that same night which will absorb most of it. He found out now that they had about £1600 in the bank. He asked that members should be careful what they said as everybody was anticipating a big reduction in the rates.
Mr R.J.Troughton said £10,000 was not the largest they had had in the bank. During the past year they had at one time had a balance of £18,000. When he raised the matter six months before he forecast that their surplus will be up at the end of the year. His forecast was then descried and his suggestion that the rates be reduced was turned down.
Mr Webster said he was not satisfied to have anything in hand of the estimates when these had been cheese pared at the beginning of the year. They were cutting out something which was going to come on later and call for bigger expenditure.

Mr Troughton: We have got over the legacy left to us, and in future we have every opportunity of going ahead and helping the community at the same time.
Mr Gomersall, submitted a finance subcommittee recommendation mentioned that the “expenditure progress” return sure that they were underspent to the relief of £1651.
The Snowmen
a letter from the County Council was read with reference to the Council’s application for relief for men who suffered loss through snow clearing. That is stated that the public assistance authority was debarred from granting relief to any person whose needs are been taken into account in the determination of the Unemployment Assistance Board.

Snow Boots
Mr Gillot commented on a minute which suggested that no action be taken in the provision of special boots for men engaged in snow clearing. He might not be there next year and he would like a guarantee that this matter would receive attention before the winter.
Mr Gomersall explained that these boots cost £60 a pair and to get a sufficient supply
would cost about £60. They preferred to deal with the matter as it arose.

Housing by Direct Labour
moving the adoption of the recommendations of a special meeting of the Housing Committee with regard to the letting of a contract for the erection of 100,000 house tenants displaced by slum clearance, Oldfield mentioned that the two high standard were £36,518 and £32,470. The lowest tenders were £28,040 and £28,126.
The direct labour tender was £28,297 this was a on the committee recommended for acceptance. 12 tenders were received.

Mr Webster: I think this Council should accept the lowest tender which is soon 57,000 law the “direct labour” estimate. That is about 1 ½d on the rates.

The Chairman: It does not affect the rates.
Mr Webster: Of course it does
The Chairman: it will not be an annual charge. It is spread over.
Mr Webster: But it is going to add something to the rates.
The Surveyor: This is not a rate aided scheme.

Mr Webster: I think the lowest tenders should have been accepted because the same condition and specifications apply to them all. The only fear some people seem to have that local labour would not get its chance. That is the only snag I see. But I don’t see why we should not get a contractor to employ local men. I recollect but our own scheme we have important men in addition to our local labour. I shall vote against acceptance of this tender. I am just as much concerned about concert in local men as anyone else, but it is a financial side we are considering.

Mr Roberts said the Council houses built by direct labour were far superior to other houses in the township built by contract. If the houses were valued there would be at least £100 a house differs invalid. If a contractor got the contract he would being in his own men. Mr Roberts did not think any conscientious man could object their estimate. At the difference been 1000 times greater you would have gone in for their own contract on account of better workmanship.

Mr Troughton said he had proposed the adoption of this direct labour tender in committee because he thought it would be the cheapest proposition. If they did they work by contract they would have to employ a clerk of works at £5 a week. As a work will probably take about two years that would mean the additional £500 to the tender, where as the direct labour estimate was only £350 more than the lowest tender.

Mr Gillett supported acceptance of the day labour estimate, saying that the Council would be making an attempt to solve the unemployment problem.
Mr Webster attended to reply to previous speakers but the Chairman ruled him out of order.

Mr Webster: I shall bring this up again and prove you are £600 out. It is nothing but a twist.
The minutes of the special committee were confirmed.

No Chance of sub- office
Mr Collins reported on an interview with the manager of the Mexborough Employment Exchange with regard to the provision of a sub- office at Conisborough. The deputation were told that the numbers of unemployed in Conisborough and Denaby did not warrant the provision of a sub- office, as there were special facilities for men at the pit.
Mr Wilson led them to believe that there was not much hope of the request being granted, but had agreed to forward it to the Ministry of Labour.
Shelter for Unemployed
reported on the provision of a shelter for the use of the unemployed, Mrs Sheldon said the met economy Welfare cuts of Steve Watt pointed out that 75% of the need for a shelter had gone as the summer months were immediately ahead. The trustees, however, said they would try to make arrangements for the next winter.
Mr Collins said the trustees told them that if the necessary material was forthcoming and voluntary labour could be secured the trustees would help direct in a hot Larry site in the welfare field. The building will be under the control of the trustees, though the unemployed had the use of it.

Amalgamation the Position of Old Denaby
The Clerk reported on a recent conference between the Conisborough Council and the Edlington and Old Denaby Parish Councils on the subject of the County Review proposal, said DENABY expressed the view that rather than go into the Rotherham rural area they would become part of the Conisborough Urban District on terms which they will prepare and lay before the Urban Council.
Conisborough and Edlington had reaffirmed their readiness for amalgamation and had resolved in certain eventualities to request the Ministry take a certain line between Edlington and Warmsworth and including in the projected Urban area certain parts of an adjoining parish which would do away with anomalies which would arise if the founders were left unaltered.
A resolution been passed that this report old Denaby in their desire not to become part of Rotherham Rural District but rather a part of Conisborough that the Clinics to the Edlington and Conisborough authorities very scheme for the constitution Old Denaby as a separate rating area. It had also been decided that in the event of its becoming part of Conisborough, Old Denaby should be a separate ward returning one member.

After that he landed a draft agreement to Denaby Parish Council and this are been approved by them she says slight technical amendments have been made would not object to. “We have come to a common understanding with Edlington and Old Denaby to take certain action at the Government enquiry which will shortly be held,” concluded Mr Baker.
Mr Troughton: Obviously Old Denaby is an inherent part of Conisborough and Denaby. I move the report be accepted.
This was seconded and carried.