£1,500 Award to Conisbro’ Erector Hit By Girder

July 1960

South Yorkshire Times, July 2nd, 1960

£1,500 Award to Conisbro’ Erector Hit By Girder

John Alfred Broad (34), of Old Road Conisbrough, a former N.C.B. erector at Denaby Main Colliery, who had to give up high level working after being injured by a falling girder, was awarded £1,500 damages against the Coal Board by Mr. Justice Streatfield at Sheffield Assizes yesterday week.

Agreed damages were £125 8s. 3d.

Broad, who is now a lorry driver, had a fractured ankle and knee injury when a chain snapped and he was struck by an 8 cwt. girder, he was helping to dismantle at the colliery in November, 1956.

He sued the N.C.B. for negligence, but the Board denied this and alleged negligence by Broad.

It had been suggested, said the Judge, that Broad showed some negligence in securing the chain round the girder by a method known as back hooking. But the chain had not snapped at the point where it came in contact with the girder.

Broad’s injuries were not as serious as they might have been but he was now unable to climb and his ankle was not stable enough for him to work above ground level, His present wage was £1 14s. 6d. a week less than his wage as an erector.

The Judge found that the chain was not of adequate strength, and that the N.C.B. had failed to take reasonable care to provide safe and proper equipment. He found no contributory negligence by Broad.