South Yorkshire Times May 21, 1955
School Swimming Instruction
Considered By Conisbrough Council
At a meeting of the Pleasure Grounds and Baths Committee of Conisbrough Urban Council discussion took place on a point raised by Councillor T. Hill as to whether full advantage had been taken of swimming facilities for school children, which the Council had offered to the appreciate body earlier in the year.
Councillor Hill had in mind disparity of age groups and limitations in the numbers of children attending the swimming bath from schools in the Urban district.
It was moved by Councillor Hill and seconded by Councillor Williams that the Divisional Education Officer be asked to supply full particulars of the numbers and age groups of children.
An amendment was moved by Councillor R. H. Shephard and seconded by Councillor G. Guest that the matter be considered by the Baths sub-committee. Five members voted in favour of the amendment and five for the proposition, the amendment being declared carried on the chairman (Councillor G. Cheshire) giving his casting vote.