1796 Sale of Water Colour Mill


Leeds Intelligencer 1796



(together or in Two separate Lots)

At the House of Mr Michael Armitage, Innholder, in Conisbrough, in the County of York, on Thursday the Twenty-first day of July Instant, between the Hours of Five and Seven o’clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, unless previously disposed of by private Contract, in which Case timely notice will be given,


LL that Compleat and desirable Water Colour MILL, for preparing colours in powder or in Oil, advantageously situated at Conisbrough aforesaid, near to the River Dun, and consisting of the mill, warehouses, and other premises thereto belonging, and also a very spacious Drying House, for drying the Colours by Air; Two Levigating Pans, the one Nine Feet and the other Seven Feet Six Inches Diameter; a very capacious Furnace for calcining and preparing the different Colours; several large Vats for washing the Colours over Three Pairs of Stones for grinding in Oil; and several other utensils used in carrying on the aforementioned Manufactory and Works.


The Water Wheel is Ten Feet in Diameter, and about Eight Feet upon the Face, and the Head and Fall of the Water Eleven Feet and Six Inches – the Buildings are all new, and in excellent Repair and Condition; and there is also annexed to the Mill, a pair of excellent Bone Rollers for breaking and cutting of Bones as Tillage for Land.


Also TWO new erected TENEMENTS or DWELLING HOUSES, standing near to the aforesaid mill, with large and extensive Gardens belonging thereto


Conisbrough is commodiously situated for trade, on the turnpike road leading from Doncaster to Rotherham and Sheffield, and upon the above river, which is navigable for vessels of considerable Burthen


For particulars apply to this said Mr Armitage, the owner; or to Mr Hawke, attorney at Law in Braithwell